Man pages for foreSIGHT
Systems Insights from Generation of Hydroclimatic Timeseries

barossa_obsMulti-site rainfall observations in the Barossa Valley used...
calculateAttributesCalculates the attributes of the hydroclimate time series
climdata2030Example climate projection data
createExpSpaceCreates exposure space of hydroclimatic targets for...
egClimDataClimate attributes from projections.
egMultiSiteSimOutput from call to generateScenarios() using multi-site...
egScalPerformancePerformance metrics of the tank model using simple scaled...
egScalSummarySummary of a simple scaled scenario.
egSimOATPerformancePerformance metrics of the tank model using OAT scenarios.
egSimOATSummarySummary of a OAT scenario.
egSimPerformancePerformance metrics of the tank model using regGrid...
egSimPerformance_systemBPerformance metrics of an alternate tank model using regGrid...
egSimSummarySummary of a regGrid scenario.
foreSIGHTforeSIGHT: A package for Systems Insights from Generation of...
func_avgCalculates average of time series
func_avgDSDCalculates average dry spell duration (below threshold)
func_avgWSDCalculates average wet spell duration (below threshold)
func_CSLCalculates the cold season length
func_dyWetCalculates average rainfall on wet days (above threshold)
func_F0Calculates the number of frost days
func_GSLCalculates the growing season length
func_maxDSDCalculates maximum dry spell duration (below threshold)
func_maxWSDCalculates maximum wet spell duration (above threshold)
func_nWetCalculates number of wet days (above threshold)
func_PCalculates a quantile value
func_RCalculates the number of days above a threshold (often used...
func_rngCalculates the inter-quantile range
func_seasRatioCalculates seasonality ratio
func_totCalculates total of time series
func_wettest6monPeakDayCalculates the day of year corresponding to the wettest 6...
func_wettest6monSeasRatioCalculates the ratio of wet season to dry season rainfall,...
generateScenarioProduces time series of hydroclimatic variables for an...
generateScenariosProduces time series of hydroclimatic variables for an...
getSimSummaryProduces a summary object containing the metadata of a full...
plotExpSpacePlots the location of points in a two-dimensional exposure...
plotMultiSiteScenariosCreates summary plots of the biases in the multi-site...
plotOptionsPlots the differences in performance metrics from two system...
plotPerformanceOATPlots performance for one-at-a-time (OAT) perturbations in...
plotPerformanceSpacePlots a performance space using the system performance and...
plotPerformanceSpaceMultiPlots contours of the number of performance thresholds...
plotScenariosCreates summary plots of the biases in the scenarios
runSystemModelRuns a system model and outputs the system performance
tank_obsObservations for demo tank model examples and vignette
tankPerformanceA function to calculate difference performance from simulated...
tankWrapperWrapper function for a rain water tank system model
viewAttributeDefPrints the definition of an attribute
viewAttributeFuncsPrints the list of built-in attribute functions
viewDefaultOptimArgsPrints the default optimisation arguments
viewModelParametersPrints the names and bounds of the parameters of the...
viewModelsPrints the available stochastic model options
viewTankMetricsPrints the names of the performance metrics of the rain water...
viewVariablesPrints the names of and units of valid variables
writeControlFileWrites a sample 'controlFile.json' file
foreSIGHT documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 9:08 a.m.