createExpSpace: Creates exposure space of hydroclimatic targets for...

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createExpSpaceR Documentation

Creates exposure space of hydroclimatic targets for generation of scenarios using 'generateScenarios'


createExpSpace returns a list containing the targets (targetMat) and the metadata (input arguments) used to create the exposure space.


  attPerturbType = "regGrid",
  attPerturbBy = NULL,
  attHold = NULL,
  attTargetsFile = NULL



A char vector; the names of the attributes to be perturbed. This vector can contain attributes of different hydroclimatic variables.


An integer vector; the number of samples for each attribute attPerturb. The length of this vector should be equal to the length of attPerturb.


A numeric vector; the minimum bounds for sampling of attPerturb. The length of this vector should be equal to the length of attPerturb. For variables like precipitation, evapotranspiration, radiation, etc. attPerturbMin should specified as a fraction of the original (eg: 0.9 = 90% of the original attribute). For temperature, attPerturbMin should be specified in K (eg: 0.9 = 0.9 K).


A numeric vector; the maximum bounds for sampling of attPerturb. The length of this vector should be equal to the length of attPerturb. For variables like precipitation, evapotranspiration, radiation, etc. attPerturbMax should specified as a fraction of the original (eg: 0.9 = 90% of the original attribute). For temperature, attPerturbMax should be specified in K (eg: 0.9 = 0.9 K). Note that to create a single sample of the attribute, attPerturbSamp could be specified as 1 with attPerturbMin and attPerturbMax specified as equal.


A string to specify the type of sampling, defaults to regular spacing. Valid sampling types are:

  • "regGrid" a regular grid sampling all the attributes specified in attPerturb simultaneously

  • "OAT" one-at-a-time sampling of the attributes specified in attPerturb


A numeric vector; increment of values to create samples between attPerturbMin and attPerturbMax. If attPerturbBy is specified, attPerturbSamp should be set as NULL.


A char vector; the names of the attributes to be held at historical levels. This vector can contain attributes of different hydroclimatic variables.


String specifying the full path to a CSV file containing the target exposure space. The column names in the file should correspond to the attributes specified in attPerturb and attHold. attTargetsFile is alternate way to specify exposure space targets that do not form a regular grid. If attTargetsFile is specified, the inputs arguments attPerturbSamp, attPerturbMin, attPerturbMax, and attPerturbType should be set to NULL and will not be used by the function.


See "Detailed Tutorial: Climate 'Stress-Testing' using *fore*SIGHT" vignette for specifying attribute names for attPerturb and attHold. The definition of the attribute can be viewed using the function viewAttributeDef.


The exposure space as a list containing the following fields:

  • targetMat a dataframe or matrix; each column is a perturb/hold attribute, each row is a point in the exposure space.

  • attRot a char vector containing the one-at-a-time ("OAT") attributes associated with targetMat, attRot is NULL for other types of sampling.

  • attPerturb, attHold, attPerturbSamp, attPerturbMin, attPerturbMax, attPerturbType in the function input arguments, if not NULL.

See Also

generateScenarios, viewAttributeDef


# To view the definition of any valid attribute

# To create an exposure space of points on a regular grid
attPerturb <- c("P_ann_tot_m", "P_ann_nWet_m", "P_ann_R10_m")
attPerturbType <- "regGrid"
attPerturbSamp <- c(3, 1, 1)
attPerturbMin <- c(0.9, 1, 1)
attPerturbMax <- c(1.1, 1, 1)
attHold <- c("P_Feb_tot_m", "P_SON_dyWet_m", "P_JJA_avgWSD_m", 
"P_MAM_tot_m", "P_DJF_avgDSD_m", "Temp_ann_rng_m", "Temp_ann_avg_m")
expSpace <- createExpSpace(attPerturb = attPerturb, attPerturbSamp = attPerturbSamp, 
attPerturbMin = attPerturbMin, attPerturbMax = attPerturbMax, 
attPerturbType = attPerturbType, attHold = attHold, attTargetsFile = NULL)

# Using attPerturbBy to specify the increment of perturbation (attPerturbSamp set to NULL)

attPerturb <- c("P_ann_tot_m", "P_ann_nWet_m", "P_ann_R10_m")
attPerturbType <- "regGrid"
attPerturbMin <- c(0.9, 1, 1)
attPerturbMax <- c(1.1, 1, 1)
attPerturbBy <- c(0.1, 0, 0)
attHold <- c("P_Feb_tot_m", "P_SON_dyWet_m", "P_JJA_avgWSD_m", "P_MAM_tot_m", 
"P_DJF_avgDSD_m", "Temp_ann_rng_m", "Temp_ann_avg_m")
expSpace <- createExpSpace(attPerturb = attPerturb, attPerturbSamp = NULL, 
attPerturbMin = attPerturbMin, attPerturbMax = attPerturbMax, attPerturbType = attPerturbType, 
attPerturbBy = attPerturbBy, attHold = attHold, attTargetsFile = NULL)

# To create an exposure space of observed attributes without perturbation
# Note that attPerturbMin and attPerturbMax values are set to 1 for variables like precipitation, 
# and 0 for temperature 
attPerturb <- c("P_ann_tot_m", "P_ann_nWet_m", "P_ann_R10_m", "Temp_DJF_avg_m")
attPerturbType <- "regGrid"
attPerturbSamp <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)
attPerturbMin <- c(1, 1, 1, 0)
attPerturbMax <- c(1, 1, 1, 0)
expSpace <- createExpSpace(attPerturb = attPerturb, attPerturbSamp = attPerturbSamp, 
attPerturbMin = attPerturbMin, attPerturbMax = attPerturbMax, attPerturbType = attPerturbType, 
attHold = NULL, attTargetsFile = NULL)

foreSIGHT documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 9:08 a.m.