barossa_obs: Multi-site rainfall observations in the Barossa Valley used...

barossa_obsR Documentation

Multi-site rainfall observations in the Barossa Valley used in examples and vignette


Dataset of observed rainfall for multiple sites in the Barossa Valley based on SILO point data


A list of observed rainfall data with elements Year Month Day P. P is a matrix with rows corresponding to dates, and columns corresponding to 13 sites in the Barossa Valley


SILO point rainfall data obtained from Data obtained for stations 23300, 23302, 23305, 23309, 23312, 23313, 23317, 23318, 23321, 23363, 23373, 23752, 23756 for the period 1 Jan 1972 to 31 December 1999.

foreSIGHT documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 9:08 a.m.