format_text: Format text

View source: R/format_text.R

format_textR Documentation

Format text


Convert a character vector to "math text" delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document. Particularly useful for matching the font face of character columns to that of numerical columns in a table.


  face = "plain",
  size = formatdown_options("size"),
  delim = formatdown_options("delim"),
  whitespace = formatdown_options("whitespace")



Vector to be formatted.


Font face. Determines the font face macro inside the math delimiters. Possible values are "plain" (default), "italic", "bold", "sans", or "mono". One may assign instead the corresponding LaTeX-style markup itself, e.g., ⁠\\mathrm⁠, ⁠\\mathit⁠, ⁠\\mathbf⁠, ⁠\\mathsf⁠, or ⁠\\mathtt⁠.


Not used, force later arguments to be used by name.

size, delim, whitespace

Used to format the math-delimited character strings. For details, see the help page for formatdown_options().


Given a scalar, vector, or data frame column, format_text() converts its argument to a character string of the form "$\\mathxx{a}$" where a is the element to be formatted and ⁠\\mathxx⁠ determines the font face: plain type is set by ⁠\\mathrm⁠; italic by ⁠\\mathit⁠; bold by ⁠\\mathbf⁠; sans serif by ⁠\\mathsf⁠; and monospace (typewriter text) by ⁠\\mathtt⁠. All strings include markup delimiters ⁠$...$⁠ for rendering (in an R markdown or Quarto markdown document) as an inline equation.


A character vector with elements delimited as inline math markup in plain, italic, sans serif, bold, or monospace font face.

See Also

Other format_*: format_dcml(), format_engr(), format_numbers(), format_sci()


# Text vector

# default face = "plain"
x <- air_meas$humid

# equivalently
format_text(x, face = "plain")

# input vector
x <- c("Hello world!", "Goodbye blues!")

# argument coerced to character string if possible
format_text(c(1.2, 2.3, 3.4))
format_text(x = NA)
format_text(x = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))

# numbers as strings are rendered as-is
format_text(x = c("1.2E-3", "3.4E+0", "5.6E+3"))

# other font faces
format_text(x, face = "italic")
format_text(x, face = "bold")
format_text(x, face = "sans")
format_text(x, face = "mono")

formatdown documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:21 a.m.