formatdown_options: Get and set function arguments via options

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formatdown_optionsR Documentation

Get and set function arguments via options


Changes the default values of function arguments which affect the markup and appearance of formatdown results.


formatdown_options(..., reset = FALSE)



One or more name = value pairs to set values; or one or more quoted option names to get values.


Logical vector of length 1; if TRUE, reset all options to their default values.


Global options are provided for arguments that users would likely prefer to set once in a document instead of repeating in every function call. For example, some users prefer a comma decimal marker (",") throughout a document.

Globally-set arguments can be overridden locally by assigning them in a function call.

The arguments that can be set with this function are as follows:

  • delim: Character, length 1 or 2, to define the left and right math markup delimiters. The default setting, delim = "$", produces left and right delimiters ⁠$...$⁠. The alternate built-in setting, delim = "\(", produces left and right delimiters ⁠\\( ... \\)⁠. Custom delimiters can be assigned in a vector of length 2 with left and right delimiter symbols, e.g., ⁠c("\\[", "\\]")⁠. Special characters typically must be escaped.

  • size: Character, length 1, to assign a font size. If not empty, adds a font size macro to the markup inside the math delimiters. Possible values are "scriptsize", "small", "normalsize", "large", and "huge". One may also assign the equivalent LaTeX-style markup itself, e.g., "\\scriptsize", "\\small", etc. Default is NULL.

  • decimal_mark: Character, length 1, to assign the decimal marker. Possible values are a period "." (default) or a comma ",". Passed to formatC(decimal.mark).

  • big_mark: Character, length 1, used as the mark between every big_interval number of digits to the left of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(big.mark).

  • big_interval: Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 3) in groups separated by big_mark. Passed to formatC(big.interval).

  • small_mark: Character, length 1, used as the mark between every small_interval number of digits to the right of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(small.mark).

  • small_interval: Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 5) in groups separated by small_mark. Passed to formatC(small.interval).

  • whitespace: Character, length 1, to define the LaTeX-style math-mode macro to preserve a horizontal space between words of text or between physical-unit abbreviations when formatting numbers of class "units". Default is "\\\\>". Alternatives include "\\\\:" or "⁠\\\\ ⁠".


Nothing; used for its side-effect.


# Show all options

# Store existing settings, including any changes made by the user
old_settings <- formatdown_options()

# View one option

# View multiple options
formatdown_options("size", "delim")

# Change options
formatdown_options(size = "small", delim = "\\(")
formatdown_options("size", "delim")

# Reset to default values
formatdown_options(reset = TRUE)
formatdown_options("size", "delim")

# Reset options to those before this example was run, old_settings)

# Option effects

# delim
x <- 101300
format_dcml(x, delim = "\\(")

# size
format_dcml(x, size = "small")
format_dcml(x, size = "\\small")

# decimal_mark
y <- 6.02214076E+10
format_sci(y, 5, decimal_mark = ".")
format_sci(y, 5, decimal_mark = ",")

# big_mark
format_dcml(y, 9)
format_dcml(y, 9, big_mark = "thin")
format_dcml(y, 9, big_mark = "\\\\,")

# big_interval
format_dcml(y, 9, big_mark = "thin", big_interval = 3)
format_dcml(y, 9, big_mark = "thin", big_interval = 5)

# small_mark
z <- 1.602176634e-8
format_sci(z, 10)
format_sci(z, 10, small_mark = "thin")
format_sci(z, 10, small_mark = "\\\\,")
format_engr(z, 10, small_mark = "thin")

# small_interval
format_sci(z, 10, small_mark = "thin", small_interval = 3)
format_sci(z, 10, small_mark = "thin", small_interval = 5)
format_engr(z, 10, small_mark = "thin", small_interval = 5)

# whitespace in text
p <- "Hello world!"
format_text(p, whitespace = "\\\\:")

# whitespace in physical units expression
x <- pi
units(x) <- "m/s"
format_dcml(x, whitespace = "\\\\:")

formatdown documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:21 a.m.