format_units-deprecated: Format values with measurement units

format_units-deprecatedR Documentation

Format values with measurement units


This function is deprecated because it's a special case of the format_numbers() function. Users should finalize the manipulation of units (using the units package) before invoking a formatdown function.


format_units(x, digits, unit, ..., unit_form, big_mark)



Vector of class numeric or class units.


Numeric scalar, a positive integer. Applied as the digits argument of base::format(). Enough decimal places are included such that the smallest magnitude value has this many significant digits.


Character scalar, units label compatible with 'units' package. For x class numeric, transform to class units in unit measurement units. For x class units, convert to unit measurement units. If empty, existing class units retained.


Not used, force later arguments to be used by name.


Character scalar. Possible values are "standard" (default) and "implicit" (implicit exponent form). In standard form, units are related with arithmetic symbols for multiplication, division, and powers, e.g., "kg/m^3" or "W/(m*K)". In implicit exponent form, symbols are separated by spaces and numbers represent exponents, e.g., "kg m-3" or "W m-1 K-1".


Character. Applied as the big.mark argument of base::format(). Default is "". If a period is selected for big_mark, the decimal mark is changed to a comma.


Format a vector of numbers as character strings with measurement units appended via the 'units' package.

This function is a wrapper for units::as_units() and base::format(). Numeric class input is converted to units class. Units class input, if convertible, is converted to the specified measurement units; if none are specified, the existing measurement units are retained. The result in all cases is converted to class character using base::format() with preset arguments: trim = TRUE and scientific = FALSE. The output has the form "a [u]", where a is the number in decimal notation and u is a measurement units label.


A character vector of numbers with appended measurement units.

See Also


formatdown documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:21 a.m.