
## https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/table-schema
fr_schema <- S7::new_class(
  properties = list(
    fields = S7::class_list,
    missingValues = S7::class_character,
    primaryKey = S7::class_character,
    foreignKeys = S7::class_character
  validator = function(self) {
    if (!length(self@fields) > 0) {
      "@fields must have at least one field"
    } else if (!all(sapply(self@fields, is_fr_field))) {
      "all items in @fields should be fr_field objects"

S7::method(as.list, fr_schema) <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- purrr::compact(S7::props(x))
  out$fields <- lapply(out$fields, \(x) purrr::compact(S7::props(x)))

S7::method(print, fr_schema) <- function(x, ...) {
  sapply(x@fields, print)
  if (length(x@missingValues) > 0) cli::cli_text("{.fr_desc missingValues: {x@missingValues}}")
  if (length(x@primaryKey) > 0) cli::cli_text("{.fr_desc primaryKey: {x@primaryKey}}")
  if (length(x@foreignKeys) > 0) cli::cli_text("{.fr_desc foreignKeys: {.url {x@foreignKeys}}}")

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fr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:35 a.m.