
Defines functions read.nifti2.data read.nifti2.header.internal read.nifti2.header

Documented in read.nifti2.data read.nifti2.header read.nifti2.header.internal

#' @title Read NIFTI v2 header from file.
#' @param filepath path to a NIFTI v2 file.
#' @return named list with NIFTI 2 header fields.
#' @export
read.nifti2.header <- function(filepath) {
  niiheader = read.nifti2.header.internal(filepath, little_endian = TRUE);

#' @title Read NIFTI v2 header from file.
#' @inheritParams read.nifti2.header
#' @param little_endian internal logical, leave this alone. Endianness will be figured out automatically, messing with this parameter only hurts.
#' @return named list with NIFTI 2 header fields.
#' @note See https://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/data/nifti2/ for test data. Thanks to Anderson Winkler for his post at https://brainder.org/2015/04/03/the-nifti-2-file-format/.
#' @keywords internal
read.nifti2.header.internal <- function(filepath, little_endian = TRUE) {

  endian = 'little';
  if(! little_endian) {
    endian = 'big';
  niiheader = list('endian' = endian);

  fh = fileopen.gz.or.not(filepath);
  on.exit({ close(fh) }, add=TRUE);

  niiheader$sizeof_hdr = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 4, endian = endian);

  if(niiheader$sizeof_hdr != 540L) {
    if(niiheader$sizeof_hdr == 348L) {
      stop("File not in NIFTI 2 format: header size 348 looks like a NIFTI v1 file.");
    if(little_endian == FALSE) { # if called with FALSE, the TRUE option was already checked.
      stop(sprintf("File not in NIFTI 2 format: invalid header size %d, expected 540.\n", niiheader$sizeof_hdr)); # nocov
    } else {
      return(read.nifti2.header.internal(filepath, little_endian = FALSE));

  niiheader$magic = read.fixed.char.binary(fh, 8L);
  niiheader$datatype = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 2, endian = endian);
  niiheader$bitpix = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 2, endian = endian);
  niiheader$dim = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 8, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$intent_p1 = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$intent_p2 = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$intent_p3 = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$pix_dim = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 8, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$vox_offset = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$scl_slope = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$scl_inter = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$cal_max = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$cal_min = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$slice_duration = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$toffset = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$slice_start = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$slice_end = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);

  #niiheader$descrip = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1, endian = endian); # 80 bytes
  #niiheader$aux_file = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1, endian = endian); # 24 bytes
  niiheader$descrip = read.fixed.char.binary(fh, 80L);
  niiheader$aux_file = read.fixed.char.binary(fh, 24L);

  niiheader$qform_code = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 4, endian = endian);
  niiheader$sform_code = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 4, endian = endian);

  niiheader$quatern_b = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$quatern_c = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$quatern_d = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$qoffset_x = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$qoffset_y = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$qoffset_z = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 1, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$srow_x = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 4, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$srow_y = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 4, size = 8, endian = endian);
  niiheader$srow_z = readBin(fh, numeric(), n = 4, size = 8, endian = endian);

  niiheader$slice_code = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 4, endian = endian);
  niiheader$xyzt_units = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 4, endian = endian);
  niiheader$intent_code = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 4, endian = endian);

  #niiheader$intent_name = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1, endian = endian); # 16 bytes
  niiheader$intent_name = read.fixed.char.binary(fh, 16L);
  niiheader$dim_info = readBin(fh, integer(), n = 1, size = 1, endian = endian);

  # Read the padding. May contain custom header extensions (used in CIFTI2), which we do not interprete.
  num_skip = 15L; # padding bytes to skip.
  discarded = readBin(fh, integer(), n = num_skip, size = 1L);
  discarded = NULL;


#' @title Read raw data from NIFTI v2 file.
#' @inheritParams read.nifti2.header
#' @param header optional nifti v2 header obtained from \code{\link{read.nifti2.header}}. Will be loaded automatically if left at `NULL`.
#'@param drop_empty_dims logical, whether to drop empty dimensions in the loaded data array.
#' @return the data in the NIFTI v2 file. Note that the NIFTI v2 header information (scaling, units, etc.) is not applied in any way: the data are returned raw, as read from the file. The information in the header is used to read the data with the proper data type and size.
#' @export
read.nifti2.data <- function(filepath, header = NULL, drop_empty_dims = TRUE) {
  if(is.null(header)) {
    header = read.nifti2.header(filepath);

  fh = fileopen.gz.or.not(filepath);
  on.exit({ close(fh) }, add=TRUE);

  endian = header$endian;

  # move to data part
  num_skip = header$vox_offset;
  discarded = readBin(fh, integer(), n = num_skip, size = 1L, endian = endian);
  discarded = NULL;

  data_dim = nifti.datadim.from.dimfield(header$dim);
  num_values = prod(data_dim);

  read_size_bytes = header$bitpix / 8L; # bitpix is the size in bits, but we need bytes.
  dti = nifti.dtype.info(header$datatype, header$bitpix);

  data = readBin(fh, dti$r_dtype, n = num_values, size = read_size_bytes, endian = endian);
  data = array(data, dim = data_dim);
  if(drop_empty_dims) {

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