Fitted and Predicted (Frontier) Values

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) See Also Examples

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This method returns the fitted and predicted “frontier” values from stochastic frontier models estimated with the frontier package (e.g. function sfa).


## S3 method for class 'frontier'
fitted( object, asInData = FALSE, ... )

## S3 method for class 'frontier'
predict( object, newdata = NULL, asInData = TRUE, ... )



a stochastic frontier model estimated with the frontier package (e.g. function sfa).


an optional data frame from which the explanatory variables are used to calculate the predicted “frontier” values. If this argument is NULL, the fitted values are returned.


logical. If TRUE, the fitted values are returned in the same order as the corresponding observations in the data set used for the estimation (see section ‘value’ below).


currently ignored.


If argument asInData is FALSE, a matrix of the fitted or predicted values is returned, where each row corresponds to a firm (cross-section unit) and each column corresponds to a time period.

If argument asInData is TRUE, a vector of fitted or predicted values is returned, where the fitted values are in the same order as the corresponding observations in the data set used for the estimation or the data set specified by argument newdata.


Arne Henningsen

See Also

sfa, fitted, predict.


   # rice producers in the Philippines (panel data)
   data( "riceProdPhil" )
   library( "plm" )
   riceProdPhil <- pdata.frame( riceProdPhil, c( "FMERCODE", "YEARDUM" ) )

   # Error Components Frontier (Battese & Coelli 1992), no time effect
   rice <- sfa( log( PROD ) ~ log( AREA ) + log( LABOR ) + log( NPK ),
      data = riceProdPhil )
   fitted( rice )
   riceProdPhil$fitted <- fitted( rice, asInData = TRUE )

   # Error Components Frontier (Battese & Coelli 1992), with time effect
   riceTime <- sfa( log( PROD ) ~ log( AREA ) + log( LABOR ) + log( NPK ),
      data = riceProdPhil, timeEffect = TRUE )
   fitted( riceTime )
   riceProdPhil$fittedTime <- fitted( riceTime, asInData = TRUE )

Example output

Loading required package: micEcon

If you have questions, suggestions, or comments regarding one of the 'micEcon' packages, please use a forum or 'tracker' at micEcon's R-Forge site:
Loading required package: lmtest
Loading required package: zoo

Attaching package: 'zoo'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    as.Date, as.Date.numeric

Please cite the 'frontier' package as:
Tim Coelli and Arne Henningsen (2013). frontier: Stochastic Frontier Analysis. R package version 1.1.

If you have questions, suggestions, or comments regarding the 'frontier' package, please use a forum or 'tracker' at frontier's R-Forge site:
Loading required package: Formula
            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]        [,6]
 [1,]  2.2658476 2.30175505 2.35241216  2.3083318 2.34629083  2.18773429
 [2,]  2.5810029 2.43572097 2.63040095  2.7575751 2.71830320  2.65494722
 [3,]  2.4653409 2.65881410 2.64278653  2.6321378 2.67486070  2.35645633
 [4,]  1.5584614 1.51542257 1.37432589  1.5379264 1.53016950  1.68335206
 [5,]  2.2954252 2.41086715 2.40499181  2.4461574 2.41576723  2.35859001
 [6,]  0.5648255 0.36455881 0.66170879  0.6172832 0.65874381  0.50181443
 [7,]  1.9750459 1.94065683 1.99963155  1.8810903 1.97850047  2.75189347
 [8,]  1.9240944 1.83428165 1.94101986  1.9769206 1.91116604  2.00303651
 [9,]  2.3765160 2.31254754 2.35539106  2.3981535 2.30257215  2.39002504
[10,]  2.5021216 2.48629447 2.50011527  2.3895770 2.33550974  2.31964765
[11,]  0.7723552 0.99341023 0.86009634  1.3957502 1.35549875  1.59212221
[12,] -0.1796256 0.02064104 0.04137437 -0.1392712 0.01724307 -0.08510986
[13,]  1.4885171 1.50352547 1.52014212  1.6297404 1.68824510  1.52418250
[14,]  2.2398184 2.20692482 2.07742763  1.8746507 1.75345107  1.78561564
[15,]  0.1887951 0.20744177 0.27717210  0.1685502 0.19374878  0.12884793
[16,]  0.8158874 0.74920578 0.99926612  0.6695972 0.73869830  0.70819650
[17,]  2.7171584 2.75505321 2.82811404  2.6722641 2.66708926  2.77566858
[18,]  2.9914010 2.99257174 3.05682065  3.0371471 3.09741048  3.34123260
[19,]  2.5922061 2.56441632 2.79027358  2.6706492 2.62879414  2.70225575
[20,]  2.5820451 2.57301498 2.67192965  2.6122935 2.60468137  2.67877901
[21,]  2.1372105 2.44735687 2.28340522  2.1608799 2.29594612  2.50212404
[22,]  1.6500037 1.67876017 1.70767665  1.7439816 1.71083234  1.79735590
[23,]  2.8487321 2.93353475 2.94652409  2.8669632 2.93677220  3.06821218
[24,]  2.2011871 2.12201988 2.29184612  2.0255023 2.25456634  2.39170570
[25,]  2.7822677 2.67835701 2.73699618  2.6716194 2.85575953  2.91987877
[26,]  1.3984701 1.39533534 1.51361890  1.5376646 1.40946864  1.43958905
[27,]  2.2372856 1.95074264 2.24963771  1.5908589 1.45561975  1.69739290
[28,]  1.6847790 1.71849745 1.72912677  1.7853345 1.67652467  1.76202127
[29,]  1.7053617 1.59171286 1.41283395  1.8489864 1.76037140  2.06511376
[30,]  1.5162758 1.48567050 0.25986232  0.3749315 0.31023018  0.25942597
[31,]  0.9568122 0.99815747 0.91496144  1.1888276 0.82361007  0.99548158
[32,]  0.9589472 1.02109801 0.98328499  1.2722480 1.06497949  1.04240898
[33,]  1.7880263 1.80773937 1.69962015  0.9169673 1.57321468  0.93602801
[34,]  0.8334854 0.75366921 0.87345414  0.8888203 0.53796931  1.25059581
[35,]  2.4867327 1.93056345 1.92942447  1.9396911 2.16587141  2.27849327
[36,]  1.6440716 1.52680418 1.39117810  2.0082957 2.00143711  1.89658642
[37,]  1.4734148 1.54301700 1.50308346  1.6147016 1.29352943  1.44756393
[38,]  2.7065871 2.70617691 2.76647316  2.4836831 2.73236962  0.94499063
[39,]  0.9717630 0.84826433 0.71155497  0.7670568 0.33776755  0.40536253
[40,]  1.9529420 1.91472667 1.82224698  1.8918818 1.95467220  2.02316027
[41,]  1.5486657 1.47116070 1.48832323  1.2532663 1.20221740  1.23700814
[42,]  1.8646253 1.94052520 1.97883650  1.8083218 1.63498139  2.18742633
[43,]  1.6771835 1.73263980 1.34601404  1.6574073 1.83620316  1.85010669
           [,7]       [,8]
 [1,] 2.2582664  2.0357462
 [2,] 2.6952542  2.3493296
 [3,] 2.5584267  2.4379158
 [4,] 1.6369678  1.5313962
 [5,] 2.4348488  2.4070704
 [6,] 0.5194496  0.8425869
 [7,] 2.5692842  2.0174678
 [8,] 2.0594835  1.9509973
 [9,] 2.2274061  2.1410632
[10,] 2.4376605  2.4750937
[11,] 1.5478504  1.5802487
[12,] 0.2052915  0.1825621
[13,] 1.5386340  1.6272434
[14,] 1.5695425  1.6404243
[15,] 0.1198349  0.1328933
[16,] 0.4910670  0.6026642
[17,] 2.8131232  2.5663713
[18,] 3.2728735  3.2519972
[19,] 2.8184401  2.7371239
[20,] 2.6548456  2.6426513
[21,] 2.3872206  2.4353622
[22,] 1.8355560  1.7125266
[23,] 3.1595110  3.1038498
[24,] 2.2147599  2.3936766
[25,] 2.6673727  2.5995270
[26,] 1.3875355  1.4149460
[27,] 1.7039137  2.1639738
[28,] 0.9060088  0.8935211
[29,] 1.7016790  1.8440891
[30,] 0.5176787 -0.2769651
[31,] 0.8599362  0.8116703
[32,] 0.9513230  1.1357758
[33,] 0.7642419  0.8507741
[34,] 1.2942472  1.2996048
[35,] 2.2373853  2.2080139
[36,] 1.9231284  2.0021123
[37,] 1.1156004  1.2787872
[38,] 0.9069844  0.8548216
[39,] 0.5758531  0.7347963
[40,] 1.7601281  1.7970266
[41,] 1.2357402  1.3314254
[42,] 1.9400953  2.0303102
[43,] 1.5125497  1.8384194
            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]        [,5]        [,6]
 [1,]  2.2703043 2.29456152 2.33964061  2.2964367 2.335918043  2.18922401
 [2,]  2.5850747 2.44846662 2.62863010  2.7564052 2.702813226  2.67173193
 [3,]  2.4714126 2.65229247 2.65219037  2.6406773 2.684163486  2.34430564
 [4,]  1.5651899 1.53953674 1.39298422  1.5517776 1.544349451  1.68456269
 [5,]  2.3143077 2.42282400 2.41767377  2.4570309 2.424911482  2.38051301
 [6,]  0.5824038 0.37439340 0.65293096  0.6225261 0.668691012  0.49738631
 [7,]  1.9611961 1.92948128 1.97787066  1.8750877 1.965242370  2.74026641
 [8,]  1.9248521 1.83069427 1.93448007  1.9711588 1.907383317  1.98245838
 [9,]  2.3940255 2.32499481 2.35663090  2.4129927 2.308639865  2.40336011
[10,]  2.5093530 2.48453907 2.50325270  2.3923080 2.331417400  2.31409320
[11,]  0.7743405 0.98255159 0.85388158  1.4229520 1.380717754  1.59745039
[12,] -0.1857826 0.02222785 0.01464401 -0.1582315 0.002028896 -0.07317825
[13,]  1.5027579 1.51591395 1.53163619  1.6418889 1.680675418  1.53794971
[14,]  2.2597548 2.22009188 2.09497056  1.8859139 1.764810422  1.78720009
[15,]  0.1751071 0.19447483 0.26833389  0.1708328 0.195206260  0.12558065
[16,]  0.8165267 0.74898236 0.96647841  0.6774956 0.738068588  0.72733509
[17,]  2.7288291 2.76221466 2.82095156  2.6637349 2.662802741  2.76132812
[18,]  2.9971279 2.99498883 3.05871400  3.0369212 3.100319927  3.33905134
[19,]  2.6090925 2.58022809 2.77976122  2.6728978 2.634589302  2.70303973
[20,]  2.5915064 2.57493407 2.65895051  2.6038196 2.606128820  2.67366011
[21,]  2.1506712 2.44495689 2.30639062  2.1872178 2.321132134  2.50856594
[22,]  1.6553235 1.68519186 1.71522647  1.7533040 1.708644929  1.79601646
[23,]  2.8521515 2.92741554 2.93993574  2.8626754 2.934633218  3.05928682
[24,]  2.2065632 2.12394962 2.29314253  2.0551732 2.259698919  2.39125935
[25,]  2.7770041 2.67449218 2.73509522  2.6749163 2.847315609  2.90641065
[26,]  1.4012780 1.40497485 1.51126274  1.5304028 1.397702367  1.42609851
[27,]  2.2303180 1.95372598 2.23607807  1.5779439 1.458536042  1.67842703
[28,]  1.6823431 1.71006350 1.72995540  1.7719982 1.669398324  1.75156215
[29,]  1.7313336 1.61101998 1.44244851  1.8549481 1.782785207  2.06538248
[30,]  1.5345578 1.49600891 0.29043822  0.3861924 0.317189821  0.26220593
[31,]  0.9636749 1.00661886 0.92192155  1.1957674 0.837647837  0.98682104
[32,]  0.9506510 1.01520496 0.98354542  1.2748215 1.060673299  1.03442584
[33,]  1.7956978 1.81297798 1.70682527  0.9241195 1.565559785  0.91439122
[34,]  0.8638570 0.78095457 0.90201615  0.9486949 0.582477986  1.25109430
[35,]  2.4859763 1.93144976 1.94522063  1.9538347 2.157228120  2.27555072
[36,]  1.6401822 1.52588259 1.40065685  2.0106413 2.011330479  1.90697721
[37,]  1.4572692 1.52969014 1.47725324  1.5819196 1.301171997  1.43697038
[38,]  2.7234775 2.72117458 2.77052839  2.5013503 2.734715368  0.93365641
[39,]  0.9894831 0.86120902 0.73643768  0.7958851 0.345791988  0.40058140
[40,]  1.9519600 1.91226701 1.82003605  1.8922415 1.957826859  2.02920987
[41,]  1.5585047 1.48431177 1.50132135  1.2876255 1.232803313  1.28102232
[42,]  1.8770218 1.94879563 1.98126371  1.8165971 1.640598039  2.18365896
[43,]  1.6861138 1.73631357 1.35164254  1.6787082 1.852280491  1.85466637
           [,7]       [,8]
 [1,] 2.2433138  2.0281585
 [2,] 2.6873026  2.3657728
 [3,] 2.5691327  2.4438906
 [4,] 1.6311684  1.5306697
 [5,] 2.4381937  2.4263436
 [6,] 0.5073294  0.8323104
 [7,] 2.5613170  1.9962774
 [8,] 2.0541459  1.9422988
 [9,] 2.2269247  2.1482477
[10,] 2.4318050  2.4718745
[11,] 1.5570813  1.5838661
[12,] 0.2030476  0.1690696
[13,] 1.5282836  1.6219612
[14,] 1.5713270  1.6383949
[15,] 0.1079564  0.1291267
[16,] 0.5045430  0.6188231
[17,] 2.7817526  2.5555272
[18,] 3.2734386  3.2574984
[19,] 2.8151186  2.7278726
[20,] 2.6473733  2.6394127
[21,] 2.3960744  2.4489911
[22,] 1.8286428  1.6962937
[23,] 3.1421369  3.1007704
[24,] 2.2228544  2.3937697
[25,] 2.6717289  2.6095170
[26,] 1.3753179  1.3982436
[27,] 1.6862883  2.1680137
[28,] 0.8935540  0.8793005
[29,] 1.6960474  1.8379572
[30,] 0.5130898 -0.2766544
[31,] 0.8597672  0.8096350
[32,] 0.9306595  1.1310530
[33,] 0.7529510  0.8497845
[34,] 1.2913515  1.2708070
[35,] 2.2376301  2.2085609
[36,] 1.9286910  1.9963214
[37,] 1.1296011  1.2833152
[38,] 0.8949829  0.8380931
[39,] 0.5640846  0.7550433
[40,] 1.7537081  1.7871774
[41,] 1.2621889  1.3469924
[42,] 1.9419289  2.0258172
[43,] 1.5110328  1.8462669

frontier documentation built on April 19, 2020, 3:54 p.m.