subject.mask: Compute a mask for a subject.

View source: R/fsdir_abstraction_subject.R

subject.maskR Documentation

Compute a mask for a subject.


Compute a binary vertex mask for the surface vertices of a subject. By defaults, the medial wall is masked.


  hemi = "both",
  from_label = "cortex",
  surf_num_verts = "white",
  invert_mask = TRUE



string. The FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR, i.e., a directory containing the data for all your subjects, each in a subdir named after the subject identifier.


string. The subject identifier


string, one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both'. The hemisphere name. Used to construct the names of the annotation and morphometry data files to be loaded.


string, the label file to use. Defaults to 'cortex', which will result in a mask of the medial wall versus cortex vertices.


string or integer. If an integer, interpreted as the number of vertices in the respective surface (lh or rh). If a character string, interpreted as a surface name, (e.g.,'white' or 'pial'), and the respective surface will be loaded to determine the number of vertices in it. If parameter 'hemi' is set to 'both' and you supply the vertex count as an integer, this can be a vector of length 2 if the surfaces have different vertex counts (the first entry for 'lh', the second for 'rh').


logical, whether to invert the mask. E.g., when the mask is loaded from the cortex labels, if this is set to FALSE, the cortex would be masked (set to 0 in the final mask). If you want **everything but the cortex** to be masked (set to 0), you should set this to 'TRUE'. Defaults to 'TRUE'.


the mask, a logical vector with the length of the vertices in the surface. If parameter 'hemi' is set to 'both', a named list with entries 'lh' and 'rh' is returned, and the values of are the respective masks.

See Also

Other label functions:,, subject.lobes(), vis.labeldata.on.subject(), vis.subject.label()


## Not run: 
   # Generate a binary mask of the medial wall. Wall vertices will
   #  be set to 0, cortex vertices will be set to 1.
   subjects_dir = fsbrain::get_optional_data_filepath("subjects_dir");
   mask = subject.mask(subjects_dir, "subject1");
   # Print some information on the mask:
   #cat(sprintf("lh: %d verts, %d in cortex, %d medial wall.\n", length(mask$lh),
   # sum(mask$lh), (length(mask$lh)- sum(mask$lh))))
   # Output: lh: 149244 verts, 140891 in cortex, 8353 medial wall.
   # Now visualize the mask to illustrate that it is correct:
   vis.mask.on.subject(subjects_dir, "subject1", mask$lh, mask$rh);

## End(Not run)

fsbrain documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:53 a.m.