vol.planes: Translate names and indices of planes.

View source: R/vis_volume.R

vol.planesR Documentation

Translate names and indices of planes.


Translate names and indices of 3D image planes. The names only make sense if the data in the volume is in the default FreeSurfer conformed orientation.


vol.planes(plane = NULL)



NULL, a plane index, or a plane name.


if 'plane' is NULL, all available planes and their indices as a named list. If 'plane' is an integer (a plane index), its name. If 'plane' is an characters string (a plane name), its index.

See Also

Other volume utility: vol.boundary.box(), vol.imagestack(), vol.merge(), vol.overlay.colors.from.activation(), vol.slice()

fsbrain documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:53 a.m.