context("code quality")
test_that("Package Style", {
# lintr throws a lot of valgrind warnings, so skip on CRAN for now
# lintr has many new and updated lints from version 2 onwards
skip_if_not_installed("lintr", "2.0.0")
lints <- lintr::with_defaults(
line_length_linter = lintr::line_length_linter(120),
cyclocomp_linter = lintr::cyclocomp_linter(37)
code_files <- list.files(
c("../../R", "../../tests"), "R$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
# manualy remove RcppExports file and few generated files (e.g. by codecov())
code_files <- code_files[!(code_files %in%
# Calculate lintr results for all code files
lint_results <- lintr:::flatten_lints(lapply(code_files, function(file) {
if (interactive()) {
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
lintr::lint(file, linters = lints, parse_settings = FALSE)
# newline
if (interactive()) {
lint_output <- NULL
if (length(lint_results) > 0) {
lint_results <- sapply(lint_results,
function(lint_res) {
paste(lint_res$filename, " (", lint_res$line_number, "): ", lint_res$message)
expect_true(length(lint_results) == 0, paste(lint_results, sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"))
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