# some helper functions
roundtrip_vector <- function(x) {
df <- data.frame(x = x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
roundtrip_vector_dt <- function(x) {
dt <- data.table(x = x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
roundtrip <- function(df) {
temp <- tempfile()
fstwriteproxy(df, temp)
# Logical
test_that("preserves three logical values", {
x <- c(FALSE, TRUE, NA)
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x), x)
# Integer
test_that("preserves integer values", {
x <- 1:10
x[sample(1:10, 3)] <- NA
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x), x)
# Double
test_that("preserves special floating point values", {
x <- c(Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA)
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x), x)
test_that("doesn't lose precision", {
x <- c(1 / 3, sqrt(2), pi)
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x), x)
# Character
test_that("preserves character values", {
x <- c("this is a string", "", NA, "another string")
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x), x)
test_that("can have NA on end of string", {
x <- c("this is a string", NA)
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x), x)
# Factor
test_that("preserves simple factor", {
x <- factor(c("abc", "def"))
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x), x)
test_that("preserves NA in factor and levels", {
x1 <- factor(c("abc", "def", NA))
x2 <- addNA(x1)
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x1), x1)
expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x2), x2)
# Date
test_that("preserves dates", {
x <- as.Date("2010-01-01") + c(0L, 365L, NA)
mode(x) <- "integer"
res <- roundtrip_vector(x)
class(res) <- c("IDate", "Date") # gains class IDate from data.table
expect_identical(as.integer(res), as.integer(x))
# ITime
test_that("preserves time of day", {
x <- as.ITime(c(1:10, NA), origin = "1970-01-01")
res <- roundtrip_vector_dt(x)
expect_identical(res, x)
mode(x) <- "double"
res <- roundtrip_vector_dt(x)
expect_identical(res, x)
test_that("preserves times", {
x1 <- ISOdate(2001, 10, 10, tz = "US/Pacific") + c(0, NA)
x2 <- roundtrip_vector(x1)
expect_identical(attr(x1, "tzone"), attr(x2, "tzone"))
expect_identical(attr(x1, "class"), attr(x1, "class"))
expect_identical(unclass(x1), unclass(x2))
mode(x1) <- "integer"
x2 <- roundtrip_vector(x1)
expect_identical(attr(x1, "tzone"), attr(x2, "tzone"))
expect_identical(attr(x1, "class"), attr(x1, "class"))
expect_identical(unclass(x1), unclass(x2))
test_that("throws error on POSIXlt", {
df <- data.frame(x = Sys.time())
df$x <- as.POSIXlt(df$x)
expect_error(roundtrip(df), "Unknown type found in column")
# nolint start
# Time --------------------------------------------------------------------
# test_that("preserves hms", {
# x <- hms::hms(1:100)
# expect_identical(roundtrip_vector(x), x)
# })
# test_that("converts time to hms", {
# x1 <- structure(1:100, class = "time")
# x2 <- roundtrip_vector(x1)
# expect_s3_class(x2, "hms")
# })
# test_that("doesn't lose undue precision", {
# base <- ISOdate(2001, 10, 10)
# x1 <- base + 1e-6 * (0:3)
# x2 <- roundtrip_vector(x1)
# expect_identical(x1, x2)
# })
# nolint end
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