Man pages for funStatTest
Statistical Testing for Functional Data

comp_statCompute multiple statistics
funStatTest_authorsList 'funStatTest' package contributors
permut_pvalPermutation-based computation of p-values
pipePipe operator
plot_simuGraphical representation of simulated data
power_expSimulation-based experiment for power analysis
simul_dataSimulation of trajectories from two samples diverging by a...
simul_trajSingle trajectory simulation
stat_cffCuevas-Febrero-Fraiman statistic
stat_hkrHorváth-Kokoszka-Reeder statistics
stat_medMED median statistic
stat_moMO median statistic
stat_wmwWilcoxon-Mann-Whitney (WMW) statistic
funStatTest documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:26 a.m.