Man pages for fusen
Build a Package from Rmarkdown Files

add_flat_templateAdd flat Rmd file that drives package development
add_fusen_chunksAdd 'fusen' chunks
check_not_registered_filesShow in a table files that are not already registered in the...
create_fusenCreate a new fusen project
deprecate_flat_fileDeprecate a flat file
fill_descriptionFill DESCRIPTION file of the package
fusen-packagefusen: Build a Package from Rmarkdown Files
get_all_created_funsGet all functions created in a R file
get_package_structureGet structure and information of a 'fusen' built package for...
inflateInflate Rmd to package
inflate_allInflate all your flat files
init_share_on_githubInitiate GitHub to share your package on a website
load_flat_functionsLoad the code of all 'function' chunk in a flat file
pipePipe operator
register_all_to_configInclude all existing package files in the config file
rename_flat_fileRename a flat file
fusen documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:42 a.m.