Man pages for gMOIP
Tools for 2D and 3D Plots of Single and Multi-Objective Linear/Integer Programming Models

addNDSetAdd discrete points to a non-dominated set and classify them...
addNDSet2DAdd 2D discrete points to a non-dominated set and classify...
addRaysAdd all points on the bounding box hit by the rays.
binaryPointsBinary (0-1) points in the feasible region (Ax<=b).
classifyNDSetClassify a set of nondominated points
convexHullFind the convex hull of a set of points.
cornerPointsCalculate the corner points for the polytope Ax<=b.
cornerPointsContCalculate the corner points for the polytope Ax<=b assuming...
criterionPointsCalculate the criterion points of a set of points and ranges...
df2StringConvert each row to a string.
dimFaceReturn the dimension of the convex hull of a set of points.
dot-checkPtsCheck if point input is okay
dot-getRangesGet ranges of the bounding box margins
dot-mToDirectionConvert min/max to direction (1/-1)
dot-sizeMEstimate 1 em in pixels in the resulting png.
finalize3DFinalize the RGL window.
genNDSetGenerate a sample of nondominated points.
genSampleGenerate a sample of points in dimension $p$.
getTextureSave a point symbol as a temporary file.
gMOIP-packagegMOIP: Tools for 2D and 3D Plots of Single and...
gMOIPThemeThe 'ggplot' theme for the package
hullSegmentFind segments (lines) of a face.
inHullEfficient test for points inside a convex hull in p...
ini3DInitialize the RGL window.
integerPointsInteger points in the feasible region (Ax<=b).
loadViewHelp function to load the view angle for the RGL 3D plot from...
mergeListsMerge two lists to one
plotCones2DPlot a cone defined by a point in 2D.
plotCones3DPlot a cone defined by a point in 3D.
plotCriterion2DCreate a plot of the criterion space of a bi-objective...
plotHull2DPlot the convex hull of a set of points in 2D.
plotHull3DPlot the convex hull of a set of points in 3D.
plotLines2DPlot the lines of a linear mathematical program (Ax = b)
plotMTeX3DPlot TeX in the margin
plotNDSet2DCreate a plot of a discrete non-dominated set.
plotPlane3DPlot a plane in 3D.
plotPoints3DPlot points in 3D.
plotPolygon3DPlot a polygon.
plotPolytopePlot the polytope (bounded convex set) of a linear...
plotPolytope2DPlot the polytope (bounded convex set) of a linear...
plotPolytope3DPlot the polytope (bounded convex set) of a linear...
plotRectangle3DPlot a rectangle defined by two corner points.
plotTeX3DPlot TeX at a position.
plotTitleTeX3DDraw boxes, axes and other text outside the data using TeX...
pngSizeTo size of the png file.
saveViewHelp function to save the view angle for the RGL 3D plot
slicesFind all corner points in the slices define for each fixed...
texToPngConvert LaTeX to a png file
gMOIP documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:45 p.m.