gPCA-package: Batch Effect Detection via Guided Principal Components...

Description Details Author(s) References See Also


This package implements guided principal components analysis for the detection of batch effects in high-throughput data.


Package: gPCA
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-07-25
License: GPL (>=2)

The function gPCA.batchdetect() is used to perform the batch detection test and outputs the resulting δ statistic and corresponding p-value, along with other useful measures for visualization.


Sarah Reese

Maintainer: Sarah Reese


Reese, S. E., Archer, K. J., Therneau, T. M., Atkinson, E. J., Vachon, C. M., de Andrade, M., Kocher, J. A., and Eckel-Passow, J. E. A new statistic for identifying batch effects in high-throughput genomic data that uses guided principal components analysis. Bioinformatics, (in review).

See Also


gPCA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:02 p.m.