Man pages for gRbase
A Package for Graphical Modelling in R

all_pairsCreate all possible pairs
all-subsetsCreate all subsets
api-array-07Array operations (2007)
api-array-propertiesCheck if object is array
api-cellTable cell operations.
api-cell_Low level table cell operations implemented in c++
api-parrayRepresentation of and operations on multidimensional arrays
api-pct-operationsArray algebra
api-tabDistMarginalize and condition in multidimensional array.
api-tabNewCreate multidimensional arrays
api_tabSliceArray slices
api-tabXInterface - operations on multidimensional arrays.
api-tabX_Table operations implemented in c++
array-simulateSimulate data from array.
compareModelsGeneric function for model comparison
cov2pcorPartial correlation (matrix)
data-ashtreesCrown dieback in ash trees
data-BodyFatBody Fat Data
data-breastcancerGene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250...
data_cadCoronary artery disease data
data-carcassLean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses
data-chestSimSimulated data from the Chest Clinic example
data-dietoxGrowth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment
data-dumpingGastric Dumping
data_handlingUtilities for data handling
data-lizardLizard behaviour
data-mathmarkMathematics marks for students
data-mildewMildew fungus
data-milkcompMilk composition data
data-NutrimouseThe Nutrimouse Dataset
data-personalityPersonality traits
data-ratsWeightloss of rats
data-reinisRisk factors for coronary heart disease.
data-wineChemical composition of wine
downstream-aliasesDownstream aliases
edge_matrixCoerce dag to edge matrix
fastcombnGenerate All Combinations of n Elements Taken m at a Time
gmwr_bookFunctions from Graphical Modelling with R book
graph-cliqueGet cliques of an undirected graph
graph-coerceGraph coercion
graph-coerce-apiAPI for coercing graph representations
graph_coerce_listCoercion of graphs represented as lists
graph-createCreate undirected and directed graphs
graph-edgeListFind edges in a graph and edges not in a graph.
graph-gcpropertiesProperties of a generating class (for defining a graph).
graph_iplotFunction for plotting graphs using the 'igraph' package.
graph_isCheck properties of graphs.
graph-mcsMaximum cardinality search on undirected graph.
graph-min-triangulateMinimal triangulation of an undirected graph
graph-moralizeMoralize a directed acyclic graph
graph-mpdMaximal prime subgraph decomposition
graph_queryQuery a graph
graph-randomdagRandom directed acyclic graph
graph-ripCreate RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph;...
graph_topo_sortTopological sort of vertices in directed acyclic graph
graph-triangulateTriangulation of an undirected graph
graph-ug2dagCoerce between undirected and directed graphs when possible
graph_vparList of vertices and their parents for graph.
gRbaseThe package 'gRbase': summary information
grbase_genericsCompile and propagate functions
grbase-utilitiesgRbase utilities
internalInternal functions for the gRbase package
prostateProstate Tumor Gene Expression Dataset
set-operationsSuite of set operations
gRbase documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:50 a.m.