
Defines functions as.gWidgetsRGtk2.GtkHBox

Documented in as.gWidgetsRGtk2.GtkHBox

## class in aaaClasses.R
## constructor
                   horizontal = TRUE, spacing = 5,
                   use.scrollwindow = FALSE, 
                   container = NULL, ... 
                   ) {

            theArgs = list(...)                   # raise.on.dragmotion
              spacing = 0
            if (horizontal)
              group <- gtkHBoxNew(homogeneous=FALSE, spacing=spacing)
              group <- gtkVBoxNew(homogeneous=FALSE, spacing=spacing)
            ## let breath a little

            ## do we pack into a scroll window?
            theArgs = list(...)
            if(use.scrollwindow == TRUE) {
              ## put into a scroll window
              sw = gtkScrolledWindowNew()
              obj = new("gGroupRGtk", block=sw, widget=group, toolkit=toolkit)
            } else {
              obj = new("gGroupRGtk", block=group, widget=group, toolkit=toolkit)
            if(!is.null(container)) {
              if(is.logical(container) && container == TRUE)
                container <- gwindow(visible=TRUE, toolkit=toolkit)
              add(container, obj, ...)

            ## raise if we drag across
            if(!is.null(theArgs$raise.on.dragmotion)) {
              ## we tried Raise and Focus here, but still have bug
              ## with windows causing the drop value to flutter away
              ## after the window is raised. So we cop out and avoid
              ## this on Window

              if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
                ## need drop target before a drag motion!! 
                adddroptarget(obj, handler = function(h,...) {})
                ##              adddropmotion(obj, handler = function(h,...) getWidget(h$obj)$GetWindow()$Raise())
                ## some bug in windows, try focus
                adddropmotion(obj, handler = function(h,...) focus(obj) <- TRUE) ##getWidget(h$obj)$GetParentWindow()$Focus())

as.gWidgetsRGtk2.GtkVBox <- as.gWidgetsRGtk2.GtkHBox <-
  function(widget,...) {
    obj <- new("gGroupRGtk", block=widget, widget=widget,

## methods

## for gGroup
## methods of expand, anchor
## ... arguments: expand, fill, anchor, padding
          signature(toolkit="guiWidgetsToolkitRGtk2",obj="gGroupRGtk", value="gWidgetRGtk"),
          function(obj, toolkit, value, ...) {
            parent <- getWidget(obj)
            child <- getBlock(value)
            childWidget <- getWidget(value)
            theArgs <- list(...)

            ## get expand, anchor, fill
            expand <- getWithDefault(theArgs$expand, FALSE)
              theArgs$anchor <- theArgs$align
            anchor <- getWithDefault(theArgs$anchor, NULL)
            if(!is.null(anchor)) {       # put in [0,1]^2
              anchor <- (anchor+1)/2      # [0,1]
              anchor[2] <- 1 - anchor[2]     # flip yalign
            default_fill <- getWithDefault(tag(value, "default_fill"), "both")
            fill <- getWithDefault(theArgs$fill, default_fill) # x, y or both

            ## we do things differently if there is a gtkAlignment for a block
            if(is(child, "GtkAlignment")) {
              if(expand && (fill =="both" || fill == "x")) {
                child['xscale'] <- 1

              if(expand && (fill == "both" || fill == "y")) {
                child['yscale'] <- 1

              if(expand && fill == "") {
                child['xscale'] <- child['yscale'] <- 1

              if(!is.null(anchor)) {
                child['xalign'] <- anchor[1]
                child['yalign'] <- anchor[2]
              parent$packStart(child, expand=expand, fill=TRUE, padding=0)
            } else {
              ## anchor argument
                setXYalign(child, childWidget, anchor)

              ## padding
              fill <- expand
              if(!is.null(theArgs$fill)) {
                if(theArgs$fill == "both") {
                  fill <- TRUE
                } else {
                  horizontal <- is(obj@widget, "GtkHBox")
                  if(theArgs$fill == "x" && horizontal)
                    fill <- TRUE
                  else if(theArgs$fill == "y" && !horizontal)
                    fill <- TRUE
              parent$packStart(child, expand, fill, theArgs$padding) 
            ## This is an example of the pack_start() method.
            ##   box.pack_start(child, expand, fill, padding)
            ## box is the box you are packing the object into; the first argument is the child object to be packed. The objects will all be buttons for now, so we'll be packing buttons into boxes.
            ## The expand argument to pack_start() and pack_end() controls whether the widgets are laid out in the box to fill in all the extra space in the box so the box is expanded to fill the area allotted to it (True); or the box is shrunk to just fit the widgets (False). Setting expand to False will allow you to do right and left justification of your widgets. Otherwise, they will all expand to fit into the box, and the same effect could be achieved by using only one of pack_start() or pack_end().
            ## The fill argument to the pack methods control whether the extra space is allocated to the objects themselves (True), or as extra padding in the box around these objects (False). It only has an effect if the expand argument is also True.

          signature(toolkit="guiWidgetsToolkitRGtk2",obj="gGroupRGtk", value="RGtkObject"),
          function(obj, toolkit, value, ...) {

            parent <- getWidget(obj)
            child <- value
            childWidget <- getWidget(value)
            theArgs <- list(...)

            ## get expand, anchor, fill
            expand <- getWithDefault(theArgs$expand, FALSE)
              theArgs$anchor <- theArgs$align
            anchor <- getWithDefault(theArgs$anchor, NULL)
            if(!is.null(anchor)) {       # put in [0,1]^2
              anchor <- (anchor+1)/2      # [0,1]
              anchor[2] <- 1 - anchor[2]     # flip yalign
            fill <- getWithDefault(theArgs$fill, "") # "", x, y or both

            ## we do things differently if there is a gtkAlignment for a block
            childBlock <- getBlock(value)
            if(is(childBlock, "GtkAlignment")) {
              if(expand && (fill =="both" || fill == "x")) {
                childBlock['xscale'] <- 1
              if(expand && (fill == "both" || fill == "y")) {
                childBlock['yscale'] <- 1

              if(expand && fill == "") {
                child['xscale'] <- child['yscale'] <- 1

              if(!is.null(anchor)) {
                childBlock['xalign'] <- anchor[1]
                childBlock['yalign'] <- anchor[2]
              parent$packStart(child, expand=expand, fill=TRUE, padding=0)
            } else {
                setXYalign(child, childWidget, anchor)
              ## fill only valid when expand is TRUE.
              ## when horizontal=TRUE (left to right, we always fill top top bottom ("y") so only x counts
              ## if horizontal=FALSE, only "y" counts
              fill <- expand
              if(!is.null(theArgs$fill)) {
                if(theArgs$fill == "both") {
                  fill <- TRUE
                } else {
                  horizontal <- is(obj@widget, "GtkHBox")
                  if(theArgs$fill == "x" && horizontal)
                    fill <- TRUE
                  else if(theArgs$fill == "y" && !horizontal)
                    fill <- TRUE
              ## pack it in
              parent$packStart(child, expand=expand, fill=fill, padding=0) # expand to fill if TRUE

          function(obj, toolkit, index=NULL, drop=NULL, ..., value) {
            ## adds some breathing room to object
            ## value is pixels

          function(obj, toolkit, ...,value) {
            width = value[1]; height = value[2]
            block = obj@block           # use block not widget here in case its a sw
            block$SetSizeRequest(width, height)


## handlers

Try the gWidgetsRGtk2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gWidgetsRGtk2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:58 a.m.