toString.doe <- function(x, ...) {
display.order <- getOption("display.order")
display.shownames <- getOption("display.shownames")
display.orientation <- getOption("display.orientation")
display.length.out <- getOption("display.length.out") <- getOption("")
display.signif.digits <- getOption("display.signif.digits")
if (is.null(display.order)) display.order <- "location"
if (is.null(display.shownames)) display.shownames <- FALSE
if (is.null(display.orientation)) display.orientation <- "horizontal"
if (is.null(display.length.out)) display.length.out <- 101
if (is.null( <- 12
if (is.null(display.signif.digits)) display.signif.digits <- 2
mss <- rep(TRUE, length(x$gconsensus$ilab$data$value))
if (display.order == "location") {
ss <- order(x$gconsensus$ilab$data$value[mss])
} else if (display.order == "dispersion") {
ss <- order(x$gconsensus$ilab$data$expandedUnc[mss])
} else {
if (display.shownames) {
ss <- order(x$gconsensus$ilab$data$participant[mss])
} else {
ss <- order(x$gconsensus$ilab$data$code[mss])
str <- paste0("Consensus method: ", x$gconsensus$method,".\n")
str <- paste0(str, "Exercise: ", x$gconsensus$exercise,".\n")
str <- paste0(str, "Measurand: ", x$gconsensus$measurand,".\n")
str <- paste0(str, "Evaluation based on Degrees of Equivalence.\n\n")
str2 <- capture.output(x$fit[ss, ], file = NULL)
for (i in 1:length(str2)) str <- paste0(str, (str2[i]), "\n")
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