
### Borrowed from RSEIS. Thanks to Jonathan Lees (author of virtually every geophysics R package) for writing these functions!
write1segy = function (alist, fn = NULL, BIGLONG = FALSE){
    SEGYhead.names = c("lineSeq", "reelSeq", "event_number", 
        "channel_number", "energySourcePt", "cdpEns", "traceInEnsemble", 
        "traceID", "vertSum", "horSum", "dataUse", "sourceToRecDist", 
        "recElevation", "sourceSurfaceElevation", "sourceDepth", 
        "datumElevRec", "datumElevSource", "sourceWaterDepth", 
        "recWaterDepth", "elevationScale", "coordScale", "sourceLongOrX", 
        "sourceLatOrY", "recLongOrX", "recLatOrY", "coordUnits", 
        "weatheringVelocity", "subWeatheringVelocity", "sourceUpholeTime", 
        "recUpholeTime", "sourceStaticCor", "recStaticCor", "totalStatic", 
        "lagTimeA", "lagTimeB", "delay", "muteStart", "muteEnd", 
        "sampleLength", "deltaSample", "gainType", "gainConst", 
        "initialGain", "correlated", "sweepStart", "sweepEnd", 
        "sweepLength", "sweepType", "sweepTaperAtStart", "sweepTaperAtEnd", 
        "taperType", "aliasFreq", "aliasSlope", "notchFreq", 
        "notchSlope", "lowCutFreq", "hiCutFreq", "lowCutSlope", 
        "hiCutSlope", "year", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", 
        "timeBasisCode", "traceWeightingFactor", "phoneRollPos1", 
        "phoneFirstTrace", "phoneLastTrace", "gapSize", "taperOvertravel", 
        "station_name", "sensor_serial", "channel_name", "totalStaticHi", 
        "samp_rate", "data_form", "m_secs", "trigyear", "trigday", 
        "trighour", "trigminute", "trigsecond", "trigmills", 
        "scale_fac", "inst_no", "not_to_be_used", "num_samps", 
        "max", "min")
    formsegy = c("long", "long", "long", "long", "long", "long", 
        "long", "short", "short", "short", "short", "long", "long", 
        "long", "long", "long", "long", "long", "long", "short", 
        "short", "long", "long", "long", "long", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "char", "char", "char", "short", "long", 
        "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", 
        "short", "short", "float", "short", "short", "long", 
        "long", "long")
    charlen = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
        NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
        NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
        NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
        NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
        NA, NA, NA, 6, 8, 4, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
        NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
    segynotes = c("0 Sequence numbers within line", " 4 Sequence numbers within reel ", 
        "   8 Original field record number or trigger number ", 
        "  12 Trace channel number within the original field record ", 
        "16 X ", " 20 X ", " 24 X ", "  28 Trace identification code: seismic data = 1 ", 
        "30 X ", " 32 X ", " 34 X ", " 36 X ", " 40 X ", " 44 X ", 
        " 48 X ", " 52 X ", " 56 X ", " 60 X ", " 64 X ", "  68 Elevation Scaler: scale = 1 ", 
        "  70 Coordinate Scaler: scale = 1 ", "72 X ", " 76 X ", 
        " 80 X ", " 84 X ", "  88 Coordinate Units:  = 2 (Lat/Long) ", 
        "90 X ", " 92 X ", " 94 X ", " 96 X ", " 98 X ", " 100 X ", 
        " 102 Total Static in MILLISECS added to Trace Start Time (lower 2 bytes)", 
        " 104 X ", " 106 X ", " 108 X ", " 110 X ", " 112 X ", 
        " 114 Number of samples in this trace (unless == 32767) ", 
        " 116 Sampling interval in MICROSECONDS (unless == 1) ", 
        " 118 Gain Type: 1 = Fixed Gain ", " 120 Gain of amplifier ", 
        " 122 X ", " 124 X ", " 126 X ", " 128 X ", " 130 X ", 
        " 132 X ", " 134 X ", " 136 X ", " 138 X ", " 140 X ", 
        " 142 X ", " 144 X ", " 146 X ", " 148 X ", " 150 X ", 
        " 152 X ", " 154 X ", " 156 year of Start of trace ", 
        " 158 day of year at Start of trace ", " 160 hour of day at Start of trace ", 
        " 162 minute of hour at Start of trace ", " 164 second of minute at Start of trace ", 
        " 166 Time basis code: 2 = GMT ", " 168 X ", " 170 X ", 
        " 172 X ", " 174 X ", " 176 X ", " 178 X ", " 180 Station Name code (5 chars + \\0) ", 
        " 186 Sensor Serial code (7 chars + \\0) ", " 194 Channel Name code (3 chars + \\0) ", 
        " 198 Total Static in MILLISECS added to Trace Start Time (high 2 bytes)", 
        " 200 Sample interval in MICROSECS as a 32 bit integer ", 
        " 204 Data Format flag: 0=16 bit, 1=32 bit integer ", 
        " 206 MILLISECONDS of seconds of Start of trace ", " 208 year of Trigger time ", 
        " 210 day of year at Trigger time ", " 212 hour of day at Trigger time ", 
        " 214 minute of hour at Trigger time ", " 216 second of minute at Trigger time ", 
        " 218 MILLISECONDS of seconds of Trigger time ", " 220 Scale Factor (IEEE 32 bit float) ", 
        " 224 Instrument Serial Number ", " 226 X ", " 228 Number of Samples as a 32 bit integer", 
        " 232 Maximum value in Counts ", " 236 Minimum value in Counts ")
    theENDIAN = .Platform$endian
    if (BIGLONG) {
        ishort = 2
        iint = 4
        ilong = 8
        ifloat = 4
        idouble = 8
    else {
        ishort = 2
        iint = 4
        ilong = 4
        ifloat = 4
        idouble = 8
    sizes = c(ilong, ishort, iint, ifloat)
    m1 = match(formsegy, c("long", "short", "char", "float"))
    isize = rep(iint, length(formsegy))
    isize = sizes[m1]
    SEGY = alist$HEAD
    nSEGY = names(SEGY)
    mnames = match(nSEGY, SEGYhead.names)
    ivals = mnames[!is.na(mnames)]
    zz <- file(fn, "wb")
    for (i in 1:length(ivals)) {
        val = SEGY[[ivals[i]]]
        if (formsegy[i] == "char") {
            suppressWarnings(writeChar(as.character(val), zz, 
                nchars = charlen[i], eos = NULL))
        else {
            if (formsegy[i] != "float") {
                fput = as.integer(val)
            else {
                fput = as.numeric(val)
            writeBin(fput, zz, size = isize[i], endian = theENDIAN)
    isig = as.integer(alist$amp)
    writeBin(isig, zz, size = iint, endian = theENDIAN)

tojul = function (year, month, day){
    yy = year
    mm = month
    dd = day
    jul = 0
    flg = mm > 2
    yy[flg] = yy[flg]
    yy[!flg] = yy[!flg] - 1
    mm[flg] = mm[flg] - 3
    mm[!flg] = mm[!flg] + 9
    c = trunc(yy/100)
    ya = yy - 100 * c
    jul = trunc((146097 * c)/4) + trunc((1461 * ya)/4) + trunc((153 * 
        mm + 2)/5) + dd + 1721119
getjul = function (year, month, day){
    jstart = tojul(year, 1, 1)
    jul = tojul(year, month, day) - jstart + 1

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gem documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:45 p.m.