Man pages for genepop
Population Genetic Data Analysis Using Genepop

basic_infoAllele and genotype frequencies
clean_workdirRemoving files created by Genepop
Contingency-testExact test on a single contingency table
conversionFile conversions
DifferentiationTests of genic and genotypic differentiation
FstFst (or rho_ST) estimation
genedivFisGene diversities and Fis (or rho_IS)
genepopExampleCopy an example file from the Genepop package distribution
genepop-internalsInternal genepop Functions
genepop-packagePopulation genetic analyses using the Genepop software
genepop-utilsProgramming utilities
GUICall an experimental GUI for Genepop
Hardy-WeinbergTests of Hardy-Weinberg genotypic proportions
IBDIsolation by distance
LinkageTables and exact test for genotypic linkage disequilibrium
manipulationVarious data manipulation utilities
Nm_privatePrivate allele method
nullsEstimation of allele frequencies under genotyping failure.
setMantelSeedSet random generator seed for Mantel test
setRandomSeedSet random generator seed (except for Mantel test)
genepop documentation built on Jan. 22, 2023, 1:07 a.m.