Defines functions EM.AMMI

Documented in EM.AMMI

#'EM-AMMI imputation method
#'@description This function was writted by Paderewski (2013) and allow imputing
#'  missing values by the EM-AMMI algorithm
#'@param X a data frame or matrix with genotypes in rows and
#'  environments in columns when there are no replications of the
#'  experiment.
#'@param PC.nb the number of principal components in the AMMI model that will be
#'  used; default value is 1. For PC.nb=0 only main effects are used to
#'  estimate cells in the data table (the interaction is ignored). The number of
#'  principal components must not be greater than min(number of rows in the X
#'  table, number of columns in the X table)–2.
#'@param initial.values (optional) initial values of missing cells. It
#'  can be a single value, which then will be used for all empty cells, or a
#'  vector of length equal to the number of missing cells (starting from the
#'  missing values in the first column). If omitted, initial values will be
#'  obtained by the main effects from the corresponding model, that is, by
#'  grand mean of observed data increased (or decreased) by row and column
#'  main effects.
#'@param precision (optional) algorithm converges if the maximal change in
#'  the values of the missing cells in two subsequent steps is not greater than
#'  this value (the default is 0.01).
#'@param max.iter (optional) a maximum permissible number of iterations (that
#'  is, number of repeats of the algorithm’s steps 2 through 5); default
#'  value is 1000.
#'@param change.factor (optional) introduced by analogy to step size in gradient
#'  descent method, this parameter that can shorten the time of executing the
#'  algorithm by decreasing the number of iterations. The change.factor=1
#'  (default) defines that the previous approximation is changed with the new
#'  values of missing cells (standard EM-AMMI algorithm). However, when
#'  change.factor<1, then the new approximations are computed and the values of
#'  missing cells are changed in the direction of this new approximation but the
#'  change is smaller. It could be useful if the changes are cyclic and thus
#'  convergence could not be reached. Usually, this argument should not affect
#'  the final outcome (that is, the imputed values) as compared to the default
#'  value of change.factor=1.
#'@param simplified.model the AMMI model contains the general mean, effects of
#'  rows, columns and interaction terms. So the EM-AMMI algorithm in step 2
#'  calculates the current effects of rows and columns; these effects change
#'  from iteration to iteration because the empty (at the outset) cells in each
#'  iteration are filled with different values. In step 3 EM-AMMI uses those
#'  effects to re-estimate cells marked as missed (as default,
#'  simplified.model=FALSE). It is, however, possible that this procedure will
#'  not converge. Thus the user is offered a simplified EM-AMMI procedure that
#'  calculates the general mean and effects of rows and columns only in the
#'  first iteration and in next iterations uses these values
#'  (simplified.model=TRUE). In this simplified procedure the initial values
#'  affect the outcome (whilst EM-AMMI results usually do not depend on initial
#'  values). For the simplified procedure the number of iterations to
#'  convergence is usually smaller and, furthermore, convergence will be reached
#'  even in some cases where the regular procedure fails. If the regular
#'  procedure does not converge for the standard initial values (see the
#'  description of the argument initial.values), the simplified model can be
#'  used to determine a better set of initial values.
#'@references Paderewski, J. (2013). \emph{An R function for imputation of
#'  missing cells in two-way initial.values), the simplified model can be used
#'  to determine a better set of initial values. data sets by EM-AMMI
#'  algorithm.}. Communications in Biometry and Crop Science 8, 60–69.
#'@return A list containing:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item  X: the imputed matrix (filled in with the missing values estimated
#'    by the EM-AMMI procedure);
#'    \item PC.SS: the sum of squares representing variation explained
#'    by the principal components (the squares of eigenvalues of singular value
#'    decomposition);
#'    \item iteration: the final number of iterations;
#'    \item precision.final: the maximum change of the estimated values for
#'    missing cells in the last step of iteration (the precision of convergence)
#'    . If the algorithm converged, this value is slightly smaller than the
#'    argument precision;
#'    \item PC.nb.final: a number of principal components that were eventually
#'    used by the EM.AMMI() function. The function checks if there are too many
#'    missing cells to unambiguously compute the parameters by the SVD
#'    decomposition (Gauch and Zobel, 1990). In that case the final number of
#'    principal components used is smaller than that which was passed on to the
#'    function through the argument PC.nb;
#'    \item convergence: the value TRUE means that the algorithm converged in
#'    the last iteration.
#'  }
#'@keywords internal

EM.AMMI<-function(X, PC.nb=1, initial.values=NA, precision=0.01,
                  max.iter=1000, change.factor=1, simplified.model=FALSE)
  if (missing(X)) stop("Need to provide X data frame or matrix")
    class(X) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame"),
    class(initial.values) == "matrix" | is.na(initial.values),
    class(initial.values) %in% c("matrix", "logical"),
    class(simplified.model) == "logical"

  if (max.IPC<PC.nb)
  {PC.nb.used<-max.IPC} else {PC.nb.used<-PC.nb}
  if (length(initial.values)==1)
    if (!is.na(initial.values))
    } else {
      X.mean<-mean(c(X),na.rm = TRUE)
      row.m<-matrix(rowMeans(X,na.rm = TRUE),nrow(X),ncol(X))
      col.m<-t(matrix(colMeans(X,na.rm = TRUE),ncol(X),nrow(X)))
  } else {
  while ((change>precision)&(iteration<max.iter))
    if (iteration==1 | !simplified.model)
      X.new.Ie<-scale(X.new.Ie,center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
      X.new.Ie<-t(scale(t(X.new.Ie),center = TRUE, scale = FALSE))
    } else { X.new.Ie<-X.new-x.mean-row.eff-col.eff }
    if (PC.nb.used>=1)
      SVD <- La.svd(X.new.Ie)
    } else interaction.adj<-0
    if (iteration==1 | !simplified.model)
    change<-max(abs(c( (X.next-X.new)[is.na(X)] )))
  if (change<=precision) {state=TRUE} else {state=FALSE}
  if (PC.nb.used<PC.nb) {state=FALSE}
  if (PC.nb.used==0) {SVD<-list(d=0)}
  return(list(X=X.new,iteration=iteration,precision.final=change,PC.nb.final=PC.nb.used, convergence=state))

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