Man pages for genpathmox
Pathmox Approach Segmentation Tree Analysis

all_partCandidates to the bets partition for each of segmentation...
bar_impvarBar Plot of a ranking of categorical variables by importance
bar_terminalComparative plot for the Pathmox terminal nodes
bin.levelsLabels of a categorical variable a binary partions
blockdiagBart matrix
build.blockLinear relations between latent variables.
candidates.treePosibble partions for each node of the tree
check_arg_moxChecks arguments
check_constCheck consistence
combCombinations of a vector element
dot-pathPath coefficient extraction
elementPath coefficient labels
fcoef.treeF-coefficients test results for each tree partition
Fc.testF-coefficient test
F.dataData preprocessing for F-tests
fglobal.treeF-global test results for each tree partition
Fg.testF-global test
f.minVector minimum position
info-classinfo class
info.moxGeneral information about the pathmox algorithm
mox.treeGeneral information about the tree
moxtree-classmoxtree class
node-classnode class
nodes.treeObservations belonging to the nodes
partitionBinary partitions given a segmentation variable (factor).
partoptBest partition given a set of segmentation variables
percent.nodeCalculating size (numeber of individual of a node)
plot.plstreePlot function for the pathmox segmentation tree
pls.pathmoxPathmox Segmentation Trees in Partial Least Squares...
plstreecreate method plstree
print.plstreePrint function for Pathmox Segmentation Trees
printTreeprinting the tree structure
root.treeObservations belonging to the root node
showDeepthCalculating Deepth stop criterion
splitoptBest partition for a specific segmentation variable
summary.plstreeSummary function for Pathmox Segmentation Trees
terminal.treeObservations belonging to the terminal nodes
test.partitionCheking F-tests results
var_imp_moxRanking of variables importance
genpathmox documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.