
Defines functions ll.linear.selector calc.like.linear df2.ll.linear recessive.ll.linear dominant.ll.linear additive.ll.linear null.ll.linear expected.linear.ll calc.like null.ll df2.ll recessive.ll dominant.ll additive.ll

Documented in additive.ll additive.ll.linear calc.like calc.like.linear df2.ll df2.ll.linear dominant.ll dominant.ll.linear expected.linear.ll ll.linear.selector null.ll null.ll.linear recessive.ll recessive.ll.linear

#Functions to calculate the likelihood for each testing model
#For Logistic Models: Input MLE's and a 2x3 table
#For Linear Models: Input MLE's, vector of effect sizes, minor allele frequency, and SD of Y given X

#' Function to Calculate Additive Log Likelihood for a Logistic Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of logistic regression coefficients under an additive genetic model.
#' @param beta Vector of logistic regression coefficients.
#' @param t A 2x3 table of joint probabilities of disease and genotype.  Rows = case vs. control, columns=genotype.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' additive.ll(c(-0.3793525, -1.1395417), 
#'  rbind(c(0.2339079, 0.05665039, 0.009441731), 
#'  c(0.3285921, 0.31834961, 0.053058269)))
#' @export
additive.ll<-function(beta, t)
  beta0 <- beta[1]
  beta1 <-beta[2]

  N_AA_case <- t[1,1]
  N_AB_case <- t[1,2]
  N_BB_case <- t[1,3]
  N_AA_control <- t[2,1]
  N_AB_control <- t[2,2]
  N_BB_control <- t[2,3]

  ll<- N_AA_case*log(exp(beta0)/(1+exp(beta0))) +
    N_AA_control*log(1/(1+exp(beta0))) +


#' Function to Calculate Dominant Log Likelihood for a Logistic Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of logistic regression coefficients under a dominant genetic model.
#' @param beta Vector of logistic regression coefficients.
#' @param t A 2x3 table of joint probabilities of disease and genotype.  Rows = case vs. control, columns=genotype.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' dominant.ll(c(-0.3793525, -1.1395417), 
#'  rbind(c(0.2339079, 0.05665039, 0.009441731), 
#'  c(0.3285921, 0.31834961, 0.053058269)))
#' @export
dominant.ll<-function(beta, t)
  beta0 <- beta[1]
  beta1 <- beta[2]

  N_AA_case <- t[1,1]
  N_AB_case <- t[1,2]
  N_BB_case <- t[1,3]
  N_AA_control <- t[2,1]
  N_AB_control <- t[2,2]
  N_BB_control <- t[2,3]

  ll <- N_AA_case*log(exp(beta0)/(1+exp(beta0))) +
    N_AA_control*log(1/(1+exp(beta0))) +


#' Function to Calculate Recessive Log Likelihood for a Logistic Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of logistic regression coefficients under a recessive genetic model.
#' @param beta Vector of logistic regression coefficients.
#' @param t A 2x3 table of joint probabilities of disease and genotype.  Rows = case vs. control, columns=genotype.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' recessive.ll(c(-0.3793525, -1.1395417), 
#'  rbind(c(0.2339079, 0.05665039, 0.009441731), 
#'  c(0.3285921, 0.31834961, 0.053058269)))
#' @export
recessive.ll<-function(beta, t)
  beta0 <- beta[1]
  beta1 <- beta[2]

  N_AA_case <- t[1,1]
  N_AB_case <- t[1,2]
  N_BB_case <- t[1,3]
  N_AA_control <- t[2,1]
  N_AB_control <- t[2,2]
  N_BB_control <- t[2,3]

  ll <- N_AA_case*log(exp(beta0)/(1+exp(beta0))) +
    N_AA_control*log(1/(1+exp(beta0))) +


#' Function to Calculate 2df Log Likelihood for a Logistic Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of logistic regression coefficients under an unspecificed/2df genetic model.
#' @param beta Vector of logistic regression coefficients.
#' @param t A 2x3 table of joint probabilities of disease and genotype.  Rows = case vs. control, columns=genotype.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' df2.ll(c(-0.3793525, -1.1395417), 
#'  rbind(c(0.2339079, 0.05665039, 0.009441731), 
#'  c(0.3285921, 0.31834961, 0.053058269)))
#' @export
df2.ll<-function(beta, t)
  beta0 <- beta[1]
  beta1 <- beta[2]
  beta2 <- beta[3]

  N_AA_case <- t[1,1]
  N_AB_case <- t[1,2]
  N_BB_case <- t[1,3]
  N_AA_control <- t[2,1]
  N_AB_control <- t[2,2]
  N_BB_control <- t[2,3]

  ll <- N_AA_case*log(exp(beta0)/(1+exp(beta0))) +
    N_AA_control*log(1/(1+exp(beta0))) +


#' Function to Calculate Null Log Likelihood for a Logistic Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of logistic regression coefficients under the null.
#' @param t A 2x3 table of joint probabilities of disease and genotype.  Rows = case vs. control, columns=genotype.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' null.ll(rbind(c(0.2339079, 0.05665039, 0.009441731), 
#'  c(0.3285921, 0.31834961, 0.053058269)))
#' @export
  beta0 = logit(Case.Rate)
  ll<- Case.Rate*log(exp(beta0)/(1+exp(beta0))) + (1-Case.Rate)*log(1/(1+exp(beta0)))

#' Function to Calculate Log Likelihood for a Logistic Regression Model
#' Convenience function to calculate the log likelihood of a specified model.
#' @param beta Vector of logistic regression coefficients.
#' @param t A 2x3 table of joint probabilities of disease and genotype.  Rows = case vs. control, columns=genotype.
#' @param model The genetic model in the logistic regression: "Dominant", "Additive", "Recessive", "2df" or "null"
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' t <- rbind(c(0.2967437, 0.1806723, 0.02258404), 
#'  c(0.3432563, 0.1393277, 0.01741596))
#' calc.like(logistic.mles(t, "Dominant"), t, model="Dominant")
#' @export
calc.like<-function(beta, t, model)
  if(model=='Dominant'){ll <- dominant.ll(beta,t)}
  if(model=='Additive'){ll <- additive.ll(beta,t)}
  if(model=='Recessive'){ll <- recessive.ll(beta,t)}
  if(model=='2df'){ll <- df2.ll(beta, t)}
  if(model=='null'){ll <- null.ll(t)}

#Functions to calculate expected likelihoods for linear models

#' Function to Calculate Expected Log Likelihood for a Single Genotype
#' Calculates the expected log likelihood for a single genotype given the true and estimated mean and standard deviation for the outcome.
#' @param mean_truth Mean of the outcome given X(predictors/genotype) under the true model.
#' @param mean_model Mean of the outcome given X(predictors/genotype) under the test model.
#' @param sd_y_x_model The standard deviation of Y (the outcome) given X (predictors/genotype) under the test model.
#' @param sd_y_x_truth The standard deviation of Y given X (predictors/genotype) given genotype under the true model.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' expected.linear.ll(mean_truth = 0, mean_model = 0.03,
#'  sd_y_x_model = 1, sd_y_x_truth = 0.9544108)
#' @export
expected.linear.ll <- function(mean_truth, mean_model, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)
  (sd_y_x_truth*sd_y_x_truth + mean_truth^2)/(2*sd_y_x_model*sd_y_x_model)+

#' Function to Calculate Expected Null Log Likelihood for a Linear Regression Model
#' Calculates the expected log likelihood for a given set of linear regression coefficients under the null.
#' @param beta Vector of linear regression coefficients.
#' @param m Minor allele frequency.
#' @param es Vector of effect sizes with two elements, (mean AB - mean AA) and (mean BB - mean AA).
#' @param sd_y_x_model The standard deviation of Y (the outcome) given X (predictors/genotype) under the test model.
#' @param sd_y_x_truth The standard deviation of Y given X (predictors/genotype) given genotype under the true model.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' null.ll.linear(beta = 0.03, m = 0.1, es = c(0,3), 
#'  sd_y_x_model = 1, sd_y_x_truth = 0.9544108)
#' @export
null.ll.linear<-function(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)
  ll<- ((1-m)^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=0, mean_model=beta, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
      2*m*(1-m)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[1], mean_model=beta, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
    (m^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[2], mean_model=beta, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)


#' Function to Calculate Additive Log Likelihood for a Linear Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of linear regression coefficients under an additive genetic model.
#' @param beta Vector of linear regression coefficients.
#' @param m Minor allele frequency.
#' @param es Vector of effect sizes with two elements, (mean AB - mean AA) and (mean BB - mean AA).
#' @param sd_y_x_model The standard deviation of Y (the outcome) given X (predictors/genotype) under the test model.
#' @param sd_y_x_truth The standard deviation of Y given X (predictors/genotype) given genotype under the true model.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' additive.ll.linear(beta = c(-0.03, 0.3), m = 0.1, es = c(0,3), 
#'  sd_y_x_model = 0.9918669, sd_y_x_truth = 0.9544108)
#' @export
additive.ll.linear<-function(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)
  beta0 = beta[1]
  beta1 = beta[2]

  ll<- ((1-m)^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=0, mean_model=beta0, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
  2*m*(1-m)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[1], mean_model=beta0+beta1, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
    (m^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[2], mean_model=beta0+beta1*2, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)


#' Function to Calculate Dominant Log Likelihood for a Linear Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of linear regression coefficients under a dominant genetic model.
#' @param beta Vector of linear regression coefficients.
#' @param m Minor allele frequency.
#' @param es Vector of effect sizes with two elements, (mean AB - mean AA) and (mean BB - mean AA).
#' @param sd_y_x_model The standard deviation of Y (the outcome) given X (predictors/genotype) under the test model.
#' @param sd_y_x_truth The standard deviation of Y given X (predictors/genotype) given genotype under the true model.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples
#' dominant.ll.linear(beta = c(0.0000000, 0.1578947), m = 0.1, es = c(0,3), 
#'  sd_y_x_model = 0.9980797, sd_y_x_truth = 0.9544108)
#' @export
dominant.ll.linear<-function(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)
  beta0 = beta[1]
  beta1 = beta[2]

  ll<- ((1-m)^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=0, mean_model=beta0, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
  2*m*(1-m)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[1], mean_model=beta0+beta1, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
    (m^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[2], mean_model=beta0+beta1, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)


#' Function to Calculate Recessive Log Likelihood for a Linear Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of linear regression coefficients under a recessive genetic model.
#' @param beta Vector of linear regression coefficients.
#' @param m Minor allele frequency.
#' @param es Vector of effect sizes with two elements, (mean AB - mean AA) and (mean BB - mean AA).
#' @param sd_y_x_model The standard deviation of Y (the outcome) given X (predictors/genotype) under the test model.
#' @param sd_y_x_truth The standard deviation of Y given X (predictors/genotype) given genotype under the true model.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples
#' recessive.ll.linear(beta = c(0, 3), m = 0.1, es = c(0,3), 
#'  sd_y_x_model = 0.9544108, sd_y_x_truth = 0.9544108)
#' @export
recessive.ll.linear<-function(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)
  beta0 = beta[1]
  beta1 = beta[2]
  ll<- ((1-m)^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=0, mean_model=beta0, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
  2*m*(1-m)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[1], mean_model=beta0, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
    (m^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[2], mean_model=beta0+beta1, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)


#' Function to Calculate 2 Degree of Freedom Log Likelihood for a Linear Regression Model
#' Calculates the log likelihood for a given set of linear regression coefficients under a the 2df model.
#' @param beta Vector of linear regression coefficients.
#' @param m Minor allele frequency.
#' @param es Vector of effect sizes with two elements, (mean AB - mean AA) and (mean BB - mean AA).
#' @param sd_y_x_model The standard deviation of Y (the outcome) given X (predictors/genotype) under the test model.
#' @param sd_y_x_truth The standard deviation of Y given X (predictors/genotype) given genotype under the true model.
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples
#' df2.ll.linear(beta = c(0, 0, 3), m = 0.1, es = c(0,3), 
#'  sd_y_x_model = 0.9544108, sd_y_x_truth = 0.9544108)
#' @export
df2.ll.linear<-function(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)
  beta0 = beta[1]
  beta1 = beta[2]
  beta2 = beta[3]
  ll<- ((1-m)^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=0, mean_model=beta0, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
  2*m*(1-m)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[1], mean_model=beta0+beta1, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)+
    (m^2)*expected.linear.ll(mean_truth=es[2], mean_model=beta0+beta2, sd_y_x_truth, sd_y_x_model)

#' Function to Calculate Log Likelihood for a Linear Regression Model
#' Convenience function to calculate the log likelihood of a specified model.
#' @param beta Vector of linear regression coefficients.
#' @param m Minor allele frequency.
#' @param es_ab effect size for mean AB - mean AA 
#' @param es_bb effect size for mean BB - mean AA 
#' @param sd_y_x_model The standard deviation of Y (the outcome) given X (predictors/genotype) under the test model.
#' @param sd_y_x_truth The standard deviation of Y given X (predictors/genotype) given genotype under the true model.
#' @param model The genetic model in the linear regression: "Dominant", "Additive", "Recessive", "2df" or "null"
#' @return The log likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' calc.like.linear(beta = c(0.0000000, 0.1578947), m = 0.1, es_ab = 0, es_bb = 3, 
#'  sd_y_x_model = 0.9980797, sd_y_x_truth = 0.9544108, model = "Dominant")
#' @export
calc.like.linear<-function(beta, m, es_ab, es_bb, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth, model)
  es <- c(es_ab, es_bb)
  if(model=='Dominant'){ll <- dominant.ll.linear(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)}
  if(model=='Additive'){ll <- additive.ll.linear(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)}
  if(model=='Recessive'){ll <- recessive.ll.linear(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)}
  if(model=='2df'){ll <- df2.ll.linear(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)}
  if(model=='null'){ll <- null.ll.linear(beta, m, es, sd_y_x_model, sd_y_x_truth)}

#' Function to return log likelihood function for specified model type
#' Convenience function to return log likelihood function for specified model type
#' @param model The genetic model in the linear regression: "Dominant", "Additive", "Recessive", "2df" or "null"
#' @return Log likelihood function for specified model type
#' @examples
#' ll.linear.selector("Dominant")
#' @export
ll.linear.selector <- function(model)
  if(model=='Dominant'){res <- dominant.ll.linear}
  if(model=='Additive'){res <- additive.ll.linear}
  if(model=='Recessive'){res <- recessive.ll.linear}
  if(model=='2df'){res <- df2.ll.linear}
  if(model=='null'){res <- null.ll.linear}

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