Man pages for geohabnet
Geographical Risk Analysis Based on Habitat Connectivity

connectivityCalculate and plot maps
cropharvest_rastGet raster object for crop
crops_rastGet sum of rasters for individual crops
Dispersal-kernelsDispersal kernels
dist_methodsDistance methods supported
dot-indicesInternal function to extract risk indices from a list of crop...
geohabnet-packagegeohabnet: Geographical Risk Analysis Based on Habitat...
GeoModel-classGeoModel class
GeoRasters-classGeoRaster class
geoscale_paramGet geographical scales from the parameters
get_parametersGet Parameters
get_rastersGet rasters object from parameters
GlobalRast-classGlobalRast class
global_scalesGlobal geographical extent
Gmap-classGmap class
gplotPlot a Raster* object
hci_diffCalculate difference map
hci_meanCalculate mean of raster objects
hci_varianceCalculate variance of CCRI
host_density-setSet the host density.
load_parametersLoad Parameters from YAML File
mapspamSupported sources for Mapspam
monfredaSupported sources for monfreda
ndplotNetwork density
ndplot-GeoNetwork-methodNetwork density
nn_sumCalculation on network metrics a.k.a centralities.
pipePipe operator
reset_paramsReset parameters.yaml
resoGet resolution value
risk_indicesGet risk indices
RiskMap-classRiskMap class
sa_onrastersRun sensitivity analysis
scalesOnly meant to global variables
seanSensitivity analysis across maps of habitat connectivity
search_cropSearch for crop
sensitivity_analysisSensitivity analysis for habitat connectivity
set_global_scalesSet global geographical extent
setmaps-Gmap-methodSets the map slots in the Gmap object.
set_parametersSet Parameters
setpropsSet properties of the GeoModel object.
setprops-GeoModel-character-numeric-numeric-methodSet properties of the GeoModel object.
sp_rastRaster for mapspam crop.
STR_BETWEENNESSglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_CLOSENESS_CENTRALITYglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_DEGREEglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_DISTANCE_MATRIXglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_EASTglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_EIGEN_VECTOR_CENTRALITYglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS_SUMglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_NODE_STRENGTHglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_PAGE_RANKglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
STR_WESTglobal variable containing string. Not intended to modify.
supported_metricsReturns metrics currently supported in the analysis.
supported_sourcesGet supported sources of crops
tiff_torastGet raster object from tif file
geohabnet documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:11 p.m.