
#' download output from geojob
#' download the result of a processing job to a local destination. 
#'@param .Object a \code{\link{geojob}} or job id that has completed 
#'@param destination a file destination. If missing, a temp directory will be used
#'@param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link[httr]{write_disk}}, such as overwrite = TRUE
#'@return the location of the downloaded file
#'@author Jordan S Read
#'@rdname download
#'@importFrom httr write_disk progress
setGeneric("download", function(.Object, destination, ...) {

#'@rdname download
#'@aliases download
setMethod("download", signature("geojob",'missing'), function(.Object, destination, ...) {
  download(id(.Object), ...)

#'@rdname download
#'@aliases download
setMethod("download", signature("character",'missing'), function(.Object, destination, ...) {
  status <- check(.Object)
  if (is.null(status)) stop('geojob must be completed for download. See "check(geojob)"')
  filename <- strsplit(status$URL, '?id=')[[1]][2]
  destination = file.path(tempdir(), filename)
  download(.Object, destination, ...)

#'@rdname download
#'@aliases download
setMethod("download", signature("geojob",'character'), function(.Object, destination, ...) {
  download(id(.Object), destination, ...)

#'@rdname download
#'@aliases download
setMethod("download", signature("character",'character'), function(.Object, destination, ...) {
  status <- check(.Object)
  gGET(url=status$URL, write_disk(destination, ...))

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geoknife documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:31 p.m.