
Defines functions adjacency compare_adjacencies suggest_neighbors subtract_edge add_edge

Documented in add_edge adjacency compare_adjacencies subtract_edge suggest_neighbors

#' Add Edges to an Adjacency List
#' @param adj list of adjacent precincts
#' @param v1 integer or integer array for first vertex to connect.
#' If array, connects each to corresponding entry in v2.
#' @param v2 integer or integer array for second vertex to connect.
#' If array, connects each to corresponding entry in v1.
#' @param zero boolean, TRUE if the list is zero indexed. False if one indexed.
#' @return adjacency list.
#' @export
#' @concept fix
#' @examples
#' data(towns)
#' adj <- adjacency(towns)
#' add_edge(adj, 2, 3)
add_edge <- function(adj, v1, v2, zero = TRUE) {
  if (length(v1) != length(v2)) {
    cli::cli_abort('{.arg v1} and {.arg v2} lengths are different.')

  zero <- as.integer(zero)

  for (i in seq_along(v1)) {
    adj[[v1[i]]] <- c(adj[[v1[i]]], v2[i] - zero)
    adj[[v2[i]]] <- c(adj[[v2[i]]], v1[i] - zero)


#' Subtract Edges from an Adjacency List
#' @param adj list of adjacent precincts
#' @param v1 integer or integer array for first vertex to connect.
#' If array, connects each to corresponding entry in v2.
#' @param v2 integer or integer array for second vertex to connect.
#' If array, connects each to corresponding entry in v1.
#' @param zero boolean, TRUE if `adj` is zero indexed. False if one indexed.
#' @export
#' @md
#' @return adjacency list.
#' @concept fix
#' @examples
#' data(towns)
#' adj <- adjacency(towns)
#' subtract_edge(adj, 2, 3)
subtract_edge <- function(adj, v1, v2, zero = TRUE) {
  if (length(v1) != length(v2)) {
    cli::cli_abort('{.arg v1} and {.arg v2} lengths are different.')

  zero <- as.integer(zero)

  for (i in seq_along(v1)) {
    adj[[v1[i]]] <- setdiff(adj[[v1[i]]], v2[i] - zero)
    adj[[v2[i]]] <- setdiff(adj[[v2[i]]], v1[i] - zero)


#' Suggest Neighbors for Lonely Precincts
#' For precincts which have no adjacent precincts, this suggests the nearest precinct
#' as a friend to add. This is useful for when a small number of precincts are disconnected
#' from the remainder of the geography, such as an island.
#' @param shp an sf shapefile
#' @param adj an adjacency list
#' @param idx Optional. Which indices to suggest neighbors for. If blank, suggests for those
#' with no neighbors.
#' @param neighbors number of neighbors to suggest
#' @concept fix
#' @return tibble with two columns of suggested rows of shp to connect in adj
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(va18sub)
#' va18sub <- va18sub %>% filter(!VTDST %in% c('000516', '000510', '000505', '000518'))
#' adj <- adjacency(va18sub)
#' suggests <- suggest_neighbors(va18sub, adj)
#' adj <- adj %>% add_edge(v1 = suggests$x, v2 = suggests$y)
suggest_neighbors <- function(shp, adj, idx, neighbors = 1) {
  if (missing(idx)) {
    idx <- which(lengths(adj) == 0)

  cents <- st_centerish(shp)

  out <- tibble()
  for (i in idx) {
    nn <- nn_geos(x = cents[i, ], y = cents[-i, ], k = neighbors)
    for (j in seq_along(nn)) {
      if (nn[j] >= i) {
        nn[j] <- nn[j] + 1
    out <- bind_rows(out, tibble(x = i, y = nn))


#' Compare Adjacency Lists
#' @param adj1 Required. A first adjacency list.
#' @param adj2 Required. A second adjacency list.
#' @param shp shapefile to compare intersection types.
#' @param zero Boolean. Defaults to TRUE. Are adj1 and adj2 zero indexed?
#' @return tibble with row indices to compare, and optionally columns which describe the
#' DE-9IM relationship between differences.
#' @export
#' @concept fix
#' @examples
#' data(towns)
#' rook <- adjacency(towns)
#' sf_rook <- lapply(sf::st_relate(towns, pattern = 'F***1****'), function(x) {
#'   x - 1L
#' })
#' compare_adjacencies(rook, sf_rook, zero = FALSE)
compare_adjacencies <- function(adj1, adj2, shp, zero = TRUE) {
  if (missing(adj1) | missing(adj2)) {
    cli::cli_abort('Please provide an argument to both {.arg adj1} and {.arg adj2}.')

  if (length(adj1) != length(adj2)) {
    cli::cli_abort('{.arg adj1} and {.arg adj2} have different lengths.')

  ret <- tibble()
  for (i in seq_along(adj1)) {
    temp1 <- tibble(
      x = i, y = adj1[[i]][which(!(adj1[[i]] %in% adj2[[i]]))],
      from = 1
    temp2 <- tibble(
      x = i, y = adj2[[i]][which(!(adj2[[i]] %in% adj1[[i]]))],
      from = 2

    ret <- bind_rows(ret, temp1, temp2)

  if (nrow(ret) > 0 & zero) {
    ret$y <- ret$y + 1

  ret$relation <- NA_character_
  ret$class <- NA_character_

  if (!missing(shp)) {
    if (nrow(ret) > 1) {
      for (i in 1:nrow(ret)) {
        temp1 <- shp %>% slice(ret$x[i])
        temp2 <- shp %>% slice(ret$y[i])

        ret$relation[i] <- sf::st_relate(temp1, temp2)
        suppressWarnings(ret$class[i] <- class(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_intersection(
          shp[ret$x[i], ],
          shp[ret$y[i], ]


#' Build Adjacency List
#' This mimics redist's redist.adjacency using GEOS to create the patterns, rather than sf.
#' This is faster than that version, but forces projections.
#' @param shp sf dataframe
#' @templateVar epsg TRUE
#' @template template
#' @return list with nrow(shp) entries
#' @export
#' @concept fix
#' @examples
#' data(precincts)
#' adj <- adjacency(precincts)
adjacency <- function(shp, epsg = 3857) {
  if (!inherits(shp, 'sf')) {
    cli::cli_abort('Input to {.arg shp} must be an sf dataframe.')

  shp <- make_planar_pair(shp, epsg = epsg)$x


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geomander documentation built on April 16, 2023, 5:18 p.m.