MeanGermRate: Germination rate

View source: R/MeanGermRate.R

MeanGermRateR Documentation

Germination rate


Compute the following metrics:


Mean germination rate (\mjseqn\overlineV) \insertCitelabouriau_germination_1976,labouriau_uma_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


Variance of germination rate (\mjseqns_V^2) \insertCitelabouriau_uma_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


Standard error of germination rate (\mjseqns_\overlineV) \insertCitelabouriau_uma_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


Coefficient of velocity/rate of germination or Kotowski's coefficient of velocity (\mjseqnCVG) \insertCitekotowski_temperature_1926,nichols_two_1968,labouriau_uma_1983,scott_review_1984,bewley_seeds_1994germinationmetrics.


Germination rate as reciprocal of median time (\mjseqnv_50) \insertCitewent_experimental_1957,labouriau_uma_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.



MeanGermRate(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE)

CVG(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE)

VarGermRate(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE)

SEGermRate(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE)

  partial = TRUE,
  method = c("coolbear", "farooq")



Germination counts at each time interval. Can be partial or cumulative as specified in the argument partial.


The time intervals.


logical. If TRUE, germ.counts is considered as partial and if FALSE, it is considered as cumulative. Default is TRUE.


The method for computing median germination time. Either "coolbear" or "farooq".


MeanGermRate computes the mean germination rate (\mjseqn\overlineV) according to the following formula \insertCitelabouriau_germination_1976,labouriau_uma_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


V = \frac\sum_i=1^kN_i\sum_i=1^kN_iT_i

Where, \mjseqnT_i is the time from the start of the experiment to the \mjseqnith interval, \mjseqnN_i is the number of seeds germinated in the \mjseqnith time interval (not the accumulated number, but the number corresponding to the \mjseqnith interval), and \mjseqnk is the total number of time intervals.

It is the inverse of mean germination time (\mjseqn\overlineT).


V = \frac1\overlineT

VarGermRate computes the variance of germination rate (\mjseqns_V^2) according to the following formula \insertCitelabouriau_uma_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


s_V^2 = \overlineV^4 \times s_T^2

Where, \mjseqns_T^2 is the variance of germination time.

SEGermRate computes the standard error of germination time (\mjseqns_\overlineV) according to the following formula \insertCitelabouriau_uma_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


s_\overlineV = \sqrt\fracs_V^2\sum_i=1^kN_i

Where, \mjseqnN_i is the number of seeds germinated in the \mjseqnith time interval (not the accumulated number, but the number corresponding to the \mjseqnith interval), and \mjseqnk is the total number of time intervals.

CVG computes the coefficient of velocity/rate of germination or Kotowski's coefficient of velocity (\mjseqnCVG) according to the following formula \insertCitekotowski_temperature_1926,nichols_two_1968,labouriau_uma_1983,scott_review_1984,bewley_seeds_1994germinationmetrics.


CVG = \frac\sum_i=1^kN_i\sum_i=1^kN_iT_i \times 100


CVG = \overlineV \times 100

Where, \mjseqnT_i is the time from the start of the experiment to the \mjseqnith interval, \mjseqnN_i is the number of seeds germinated in the \mjseqnith time interval (not the accumulated number, but the number corresponding to the \mjseqnith interval), and \mjseqnk is the total number of time intervals.

GermRateRecip computes the germination rate (\mjseqnv_50) as the reciprocal of the median germination time (\mjseqnt_50) \insertCitewent_experimental_1957,labouriau_uma_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics according to the methods of \insertCitecoolbear_effect_1984;textualgerminationmetrics (Specified by the argument method = "coolbear") or \insertCitefarooq_thermal_2005;textualgerminationmetrics (Specified by the argument method = "farooq") as follows.


v_50 = \frac1t_50


For MeanGermRate, the mean germination rate value as \mjseqn\mathrmtime^-1.

For VarGermTime, the variance of germination rate value as \mjseqn\mathrmtime^-2.

For SEGermTime, the standard error of germination rate as \mjseqn\mathrmtime^-1.

For CVG, the value of Coefficient of of velocity/rate of germination or Kotowski's coefficient of velocity as % \mjseqn\mathrmtime^-1.

For GermRateRecip, the value of germination rate as \mjseqn\mathrmtime^-1.



See Also

MeanGermTime, t50


x <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 17, 10, 7, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
y <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 21, 31, 38, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 40)
int <- 1:length(x)

# From partial germination counts
MeanGermRate(germ.counts = x, intervals = int)
CVG(germ.counts = x, intervals = int)
VarGermRate(germ.counts = x, intervals = int)
SEGermRate(germ.counts = x, intervals = int)
GermRateRecip(germ.counts = x, intervals = int, method = "coolbear")
GermRateRecip(germ.counts = x, intervals = int, method = "farooq")

# From cumulative germination counts
MeanGermRate(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE)
CVG(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE)
VarGermRate(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE)
SEGermRate(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE)
GermRateRecip(germ.counts = y, intervals = int,
              method = "coolbear", partial = FALSE)
GermRateRecip(germ.counts = y, intervals = int,
              method = "farooq", partial = FALSE)

germinationmetrics documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 1:07 a.m.