MeanGermTime: Germination time

View source: R/MeanGermTime.R

MeanGermTimeR Documentation

Germination time


Compute the following metrics:


Mean germination time (\mjseqn\overlineT) or Mean length of incubation time \insertCiteedmond_effects_1958,czabator_germination_1962,mock_cold_1972,ellis_improved_1980,labouriau_germinacao_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


Variance of germination time (\mjseqns_T^2) \insertCitelabouriau_germinacao_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


Standard error of germination time (\mjseqns_\overlineT) \insertCitelabouriau_germinacao_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


Coefficient of variation of the germination time (\mjseqnCV_T) \insertCitegomes_curso_1960,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.



MeanGermTime(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE)

VarGermTime(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE)

SEGermTime(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE)

CVGermTime(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE)



Germination counts at each time interval. Can be partial or cumulative as specified in the argument partial.


The time intervals.


logical. If TRUE, germ.counts is considered as partial and if FALSE, it is considered as cumulative. Default is TRUE.


MeanGermTime computes the mean germination time according to the following formula \insertCiteedmond_effects_1958,czabator_germination_1962,smith_germinating_1964,ellis_improved_1980,labouriau_germinacao_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


T = \frac\sum_i=1^kN_iT_i\sum_i=1^kN_i

Where, \mjseqnT_i is the time from the start of the experiment to the \mjseqnith interval, \mjseqnN_i is the number of seeds germinated in the \mjseqnith time interval (not the accumulated number, but the number corresponding to the \mjseqnith interval), and \mjseqnk is the total number of time intervals.

It is the same as Sprouting Index (\mjseqnSI) or Emergence Index (\mjseqnEI) described by \insertCitesmith_germinating_1964;textualgerminationmetrics and \insertCitemock_cold_1972;textualgerminationmetrics as well as Germination Resistance (\mjseqnGR) described by \insertCitegordon_observations_1969,gordon_germination_1971;textualgerminationmetrics.

It is the inverse of mean germination rate (\mjseqn\overlineV).


T = \frac1\overlineV

It indicates the average length of time required for maximum germination of a seed lot. Lower the \mjseqn\overlineT, faster the sample has germinated and reflects seed vigor.

VarGermTime computes the variance of germination time according to the following formula \insertCitelabouriau_germinacao_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


s_T^2 = \frac\sum_i=1^kN_i(T_i-\overlineT)^2\sum_i=1^kN_i-1

Where, \mjseqnT_i is the time from the start of the experiment to the \mjseqnith interval, \mjseqnN_i is the number of seeds germinated in the \mjseqnith time interval (not the accumulated number, but the number corresponding to the \mjseqnith interval), and \mjseqnk is the total number of time intervals.

SEGermTime computes the standard error of germination time (\mjseqns_\overlineT) according to the following formula \insertCitelabouriau_germinacao_1983,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


s_\overlineT = \sqrt\fracs_T^2\sum_i=1^kN_i

Where, \mjseqnN_i is the number of seeds germinated in the \mjseqnith time interval (not the accumulated number, but the number corresponding to the \mjseqnith interval), and \mjseqnk is the total number of time intervals.

It signifies the accuracy of the calculation of the mean germination time.

CVGermTime computes the coefficient of variation of germination time (\mjseqnCV_T) according to the following formula \insertCitegomes_curso_1960,ranal_how_2006germinationmetrics.


CV_T = \frac\sqrts_T^2\overlineT

This indicates the uniformity of germination and permits comparisons irrespective of the magnitude of mean germination time (\mjseqn\overlineT).


For MeanGermTime, the mean germination time value in the same unit of time as specified in the argument intervals.

For VarGermTime, the variance of germination time value as \mjseqn\mathrmtime^2.

For SEGermTime, the standard error of germination time in the same unit of time specified in the argument intervals.

For CVGermTime, the value of coefficient of variation of the germination time.



See Also



x <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 17, 10, 7, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
y <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 21, 31, 38, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 40)
int <- 1:length(x)

# From partial germination counts
MeanGermTime(germ.counts = x, intervals = int)
VarGermTime(germ.counts = x, intervals = int)
SEGermTime(germ.counts = x, intervals = int)
CVGermTime(germ.counts = x, intervals = int)

# From cumulative germination counts
MeanGermTime(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE)
VarGermTime(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE)
SEGermTime(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE)
CVGermTime(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE)

germinationmetrics documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 1:07 a.m.