Man pages for gettingtothebottom
Learning Optimization and Machine Learning for Statistics

baltimoreyouthBaltimore Youth Indicators - 2010 and 2011
diff_normMM Algorithm - Normed Difference
engelEngel's Law - Engel Food Expenditures Data from the quantreg...
example.alphaGradient Descent Algorithm - Plots Depicting Gradient Descent...
example.quadratic.approxGradient Descent Algorithm - Plots Depicting How Different...
gdescentGradient Descent Algorithm
generate_nnmGenerate random nonnegative mixture components
init.lambdaMM Algorithm - Initial lambda
makeLambdaseqMM Algorithm - Function for making sequence of lambdas for...
makeOmegaMM Algorithm - Generate Omega
makeYMM Algorithm - Make Y
makeZMM Algorithm - Make Z
matrixcompleteMM Algorithm - Matrix Completion
moviebudgetsMovie ratings and budget database derived from data from...
movieratingsMovie ratings database derived from data from
nnls_mmNonnegative Least Squares via MM
nutritionThe Diet Problem: "Daily Allowances of Nutrients for a...
plot_gradientGradient Descent Algorithm - Plotting the Gradient Function
plot_iteratesGradient Descent Algorithm - Plotting the Iterates
plot_lossGradient Descent Algorithm - Plotting the Loss Function
plot_nnmMM Algorithm - Plot NNM
plot_nnm_coefMM Algorithm - Plotting the NNMLS regression coefficients
plot_nnm_objMM Algorithm - Plot NNM Objective
plot_nnm_reconstructionMM Algorithm - Plotting the Reconstruction
plot_nnm_truthMM Algorithm - Plotting the True Signal
plot_softhresholdMM Algorithm - Plot the Softhreshold Function
plot_solpaths_errorMM Algorithm - Function for plotting the imputed values...
plot_solutionpathsMM Algorithm - Plot results of solutionpaths function
plot_spectMM Algorithm - Plotting the Spectroscopic Signal
softhresholdMM Algorithm - Softhreshold Function
solutionpathsMM Algorithm - Find the best fit lambda for a given problem...
stiglerThe Diet Problem: "Nutritive Values of Common Foods per...
testmatrixMM Algorithm - Generate Test Matrix
gettingtothebottom documentation built on May 29, 2017, 8:28 p.m.