Venn Calculator

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

How to use Venn Calculator?

ggVennDiagram has a series of set operation functions, and this can be used as the Venn calculator.

y = list(
  A = sample(letters, 8) |> sort(),
  B = sample(letters, 8) |> sort(),
  C = sample(letters, 8) |> sort(),
  D = sample(letters, 8) |> sort())


First of all, we need to construct a Venn class object with this list. If you print this object, it will give meta information of the object.

venn_y = Venn(y)


r overlap(venn_y, 1:2) # members in both the first two sets overlap(venn_y) # members in all the sets

r discern(venn_y, 1) # members in set 1, but not in the resting sets discern(venn_y, c("A","B"), 3) # members in set A & B, but not in the 3rd set

r discern_overlap(venn_y, 1) # specific items in set 1 discern_overlap(venn_y, 1:2) # specific items in set 1 and set 2

r unite(venn_y, 1:2) # union of set 1 and 2 unite(venn_y, "all") # union of all four sets unite(venn_y, c("A", "B", "C"))

Combined results were provided as VennPlotData object.

r pd = process_data(venn_y) pd

r venn_set(pd)

r venn_region(pd)

Please note in order to keep the result concise, the containing items are nested. You may use the following methods to further process it.

r venn_region(pd) |> tidyr::unnest(item)

r venn_region(pd) |> dplyr::rowwise() |> dplyr::mutate(item = paste0(item, collapse = ", "))


Some of these above-mentioned functions are originally developed by Turgut Yigit Akyol in RVenn.

Try the ggVennDiagram package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ggVennDiagram documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:21 a.m.