sub-geometry-scales: Sub-geometry scales for geom_slabinterval (ggplot2 scales)

sub-geometry-scalesR Documentation

Sub-geometry scales for geom_slabinterval (ggplot2 scales)


These scales allow more specific aesthetic mappings to be made when using geom_slabinterval() and stats/geoms based on it (like eye plots).


scale_point_colour_discrete(..., aesthetics = "point_colour")

scale_point_color_discrete(..., aesthetics = "point_colour")

  aesthetics = "point_colour",
  guide = guide_colourbar2()

  aesthetics = "point_colour",
  guide = guide_colourbar2()

scale_point_fill_discrete(..., aesthetics = "point_fill")

  aesthetics = "point_fill",
  guide = guide_colourbar2()

scale_point_alpha_continuous(..., range = c(0.1, 1))

scale_point_alpha_discrete(..., range = c(0.1, 1))

scale_point_size_continuous(..., range = c(1, 6))

scale_point_size_discrete(..., range = c(1, 6), na.translate = FALSE)

scale_interval_colour_discrete(..., aesthetics = "interval_colour")

scale_interval_color_discrete(..., aesthetics = "interval_colour")

  aesthetics = "interval_colour",
  guide = guide_colourbar2()

  aesthetics = "interval_colour",
  guide = guide_colourbar2()

scale_interval_alpha_continuous(..., range = c(0.1, 1))

scale_interval_alpha_discrete(..., range = c(0.1, 1))

scale_interval_size_continuous(..., range = c(1, 6))

scale_interval_size_discrete(..., range = c(1, 6), na.translate = FALSE)

scale_interval_linetype_discrete(..., na.value = "blank")


scale_slab_colour_discrete(..., aesthetics = "slab_colour")

scale_slab_color_discrete(..., aesthetics = "slab_colour")

  aesthetics = "slab_colour",
  guide = guide_colourbar2()

  aesthetics = "slab_colour",
  guide = guide_colourbar2()

scale_slab_fill_discrete(..., aesthetics = "slab_fill")

  aesthetics = "slab_fill",
  guide = guide_colourbar2()

  limits = function(l) c(min(0, l[[1]]), l[[2]]),
  range = c(0, 1)

scale_slab_alpha_discrete(..., range = c(0.1, 1))

scale_slab_size_continuous(..., range = c(1, 6))

scale_slab_size_discrete(..., range = c(1, 6), na.translate = FALSE)

scale_slab_linewidth_continuous(..., range = c(1, 6))

scale_slab_linewidth_discrete(..., range = c(1, 6), na.translate = FALSE)

scale_slab_linetype_discrete(..., na.value = "blank")


scale_slab_shape_discrete(..., solid = TRUE)






Arguments passed to underlying scale or guide functions. E.g. scale_point_color_discrete passes arguments to scale_color_discrete(). See those functions for more details.


Names of aesthetics to set scales for.


Guide to use for legends for an aesthetic.


a numeric vector of length 2 that specifies the minimum and maximum size of the plotting symbol after transformation.


In discrete scales, should we show missing values?


When na.translate is true, what value should be shown?


One of:

  • NULL to use the default scale range

  • A numeric vector of length two providing limits of the scale. Use NA to refer to the existing minimum or maximum

  • A function that accepts the existing (automatic) limits and returns new limits. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation. Note that setting limits on positional scales will remove data outside of the limits. If the purpose is to zoom, use the limit argument in the coordinate system (see coord_cartesian()).


Should the shapes be solid, TRUE, or hollow, FALSE?


The following additional scales / aesthetics are defined for use with geom_slabinterval() and related geoms:

⁠scale_point_color_* ⁠

Point color

⁠scale_point_fill_* ⁠

Point fill color

⁠scale_point_alpha_* ⁠

Point alpha level / opacity

⁠scale_point_size_* ⁠

Point size

⁠scale_interval_color_* ⁠

Interval line color

⁠scale_interval_alpha_* ⁠

Interval alpha level / opacity

⁠scale_interval_linetype_* ⁠

Interval line type

⁠scale_slab_color_* ⁠

Slab outline color

⁠scale_slab_fill_* ⁠

Slab fill color

⁠scale_slab_alpha_* ⁠

Slab alpha level / opacity. The default settings of scale_slab_alpha_continuous differ from scale_alpha_continuous() and are designed for gradient plots (e.g. stat_gradientinterval()) by ensuring that densities of 0 get mapped to 0 in the output.

⁠scale_slab_linewidth_* ⁠

Slab outline line width

⁠scale_slab_linetype_* ⁠

Slab outline line type

⁠scale_slab_shape_* ⁠

Slab dot shape (for geom_dotsinterval())

See the corresponding scale documentation in ggplot for more information; e.g. scale_color_discrete(), scale_color_continuous(), etc.

Other scale functions can be used with the aesthetics/scales defined here by using the aesthetics argument to that scale function. For example, to use color brewer scales with the point_color aesthetic:

scale_color_brewer(..., aesthetics = "point_color")

With continuous color scales, you may also need to provide a guide as the default guide does not work properly; this is what guide_colorbar2 is for:

scale_color_distiller(..., guide = "colorbar2", aesthetics = "point_color")

These scales have been deprecated:

⁠scale_interval_size_* ⁠

Use ⁠scale_linewidth_*⁠

⁠scale_slab_size_* ⁠

Slab ⁠scale_size_linewidth_*⁠


A ggplot2::Scale representing one of the aesthetics used to target the appearance of specific parts of composite ggdist geoms. Can be added to a ggplot() object.


Matthew Kay

See Also

Other ggplot2 scales: scale_color_discrete(), scale_color_continuous(), etc.

Other ggdist scales: scale_colour_ramp, scale_side_mirrored(), scale_thickness



# This plot shows how to set multiple specific aesthetics
# NB it is very ugly and is only for demo purposes.
data.frame(distribution = "Normal(1,2)") %>%
  parse_dist(distribution) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = distribution, xdist = .dist, args = .args)) +
    shape = 21,  # this point shape has a fill and outline
    point_color = "red",
    point_fill = "black",
    point_alpha = .1,
    point_size = 6,
    stroke = 2,
    interval_color = "blue",
    # interval line widths are scaled from [1, 6] onto [0.6, 1.4] by default
    # see the interval_size_range parameter in help("geom_slabinterval")
    linewidth = 8,
    interval_linetype = "dashed",
    interval_alpha = .25,
    # fill sets the fill color of the slab (here the density)
    slab_color = "green",
    slab_fill = "purple",
    slab_linewidth = 3,
    slab_linetype = "dotted",
    slab_alpha = .5

ggdist documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.