weighted_ecdf: Weighted empirical cumulative distribution function

View source: R/weighted_ecdf.R

weighted_ecdfR Documentation

Weighted empirical cumulative distribution function


A variation of ecdf() that can be applied to weighted samples.


weighted_ecdf(x, weights = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)



numeric vector: sample values


Weights for the sample. One of:

  • numeric vector of same length as x: weights for corresponding values in x, which will be normalized to sum to 1.

  • NULL: indicates no weights are provided, so the unweighted empirical cumulative distribution function (equivalent to ecdf()) is returned.


logical: if TRUE, corresponding entries in x and weights are removed if either is NA.


Generates a weighted empirical cumulative distribution function, F(x). Given x, a sorted vector (derived from x), and w_i, the corresponding weight for x_i, F(x) is a step function with steps at each x_i with F(x_i) equal to the sum of all weights up to and including w_i.


weighted_ecdf() returns a function of class "weighted_ecdf", which also inherits from the stepfun() class. Thus, it also has plot() and print() methods. Like ecdf(), weighted_ecdf() also provides a quantile() method, which dispatches to weighted_quantile().

See Also



weighted_ecdf(1:3, weights = 1:3)
plot(weighted_ecdf(1:3, weights = 1:3))
quantile(weighted_ecdf(1:3, weights = 1:3), 0.4)

ggdist documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.