
#' Simulated Pharmacokinetic Concentration Data
#' A dataset containing concentration-time data with the
#' given dose and some subject characteristics to help in the app exploration.
#' @format A data frame with 600 rows and 10 variables
#' \describe{
#'   \item{ID}{Subject Identifier, an integer from 1 to 150}
#'   \item{Time}{Time of dose given or drug sample measured, in hours}
#'   \item{Amt}{dose given at the corresponding Time, in milligrams}
#'   \item{Conc}{drug concentrations in the plasma sample, in mg/L}
#'   \item{Age}{age of the subject, in years}
#'   \item{Weight}{weight of the subject, in kg}
#'   \item{Gender}{Sex of the subject, a factor with Female and Male levels}
#'   \item{Race}{Race of the subject, a factor with Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic and Other levels}
#'   \item{Dose}{dose group of the subject, in milligrams}
#'   \item{AGECAT}{age category of the subject, a variable cutting Age into two values 0/1}
#' }
#' @source "sd_oral_richpk" from 'PKPDmisc' R package with an additional AGECAT variable
#' @examples
#' sample_data

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ggquickeda documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:30 a.m.