ggraph 2.2.1

ggraph 2.2.0

ggraph 2.1.0

ggraph 2.0.6

ggraph 2.0.5

ggraph 2.0.4

ggraph 2.0.3

ggraph 2.0.2

ggraph 2.0.1

ggraph 2.0.0

This release is a major release including many new features, bug fixes and some breaking changes.

Breaking changes

This big change fixes #21, #72, #79, and #81. A vignette has been added to describe the integration in more detail The curvature argument from geom_edge_arc() and geom_edge_hive() as well as the spread argument from geom_edge_fan() has been deprecated in favor of the new strength argument. ggraph plots now gets constructed with grid and axes removed from the default theme.

New features

Bug fixes


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ggraph documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:32 a.m.