
#' Friendship among high school boys
#' This dataset shows the friendship among high school boys as assessed by the
#' question: "What fellows here in school do you go around with most often?".
#' The question was posed twice, with one year in between (1957 and 1958) and
#' shows the evolution in friendship between the two timepoints.
#' @format
#' The graph is stored as an unnamed edgelist with a year attribute.
#' \describe{
#'  \item{from}{The boy answering the question}
#'  \item{to}{The boy being the answer to the question}
#'  \item{year}{The year the friendship was reported}
#' }
#' @source
#' Coleman, J. S. *Introduction to Mathematical Sociology*. New York: Free
#' Press, pp.450-451.

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