
Defines functions inb

Documented in inb

#' @title Individual's inbreeding coefficient
#' @description Calculates inbreeding coefficient for an individual.
#' @param ped : \code{data.frame} with integer columns corresponding to ID, SIRE, DAM. Missing value is 0.
#' @param id : Numeric ID of an individual
#' @return Inbreeding coefficient of the individual
#' @examples
#' ped = data.frame(ID=1:7, SIRE=c(0,0,1,1,3,1,5), DAM=c(0,0,0,2,4,4,6))
#' inb(ped, 7)
#' @export
inb = function(ped, id) {
   colnames(ped) = c("ID","SIRE","DAM")
   sire = ped[ped$ID==id,]$SIRE
   dam  = ped[ped$ID==id,]$DAM
   if(sire > 0 & dam > 0)
      Inb = inbreed(pedup(ped, c(sire,dam)))
   } else {
      Inb = 0

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