Man pages for ggspectra
Extensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation Spectra

Afr_labelAbsorptance axis labels
Afr_plotCreate a complete ggplot for a filter spectrum.
A_labelAbsorbance axis labels
A_plotCreate a complete ggplot for a filter spectrum.
autoplot.calibration_spctPlot one or more irradiance-calibration spectra.
autoplot.cps_spctPlot one or more detector-counts-per-second spectra.
autoplot.filter_spctPlot one or more "filter" spectra.
autoplot.generic_spctPlot generic spectral data.
autoplot.object_spctPlot one or more "object" spectra.
autoplot.raw_spctPlot one or more raw-detector-counts spectra.
autoplot.reflector_spctPlot one or more reflector spectra.
autoplot.response_spctPlot one or more response spectra.
autoplot.source_spctPlot one or more light-source spectra.
autoplot.wavebandCreate a complete ggplot for a waveband descriptor.
autotitleAdd title, subtitle and caption to a spectral plot
axis_labelsDefault text for axis labels
black_or_whiteChose black vs. white color based on weighted mean of RGB...
cal_plotCreate a complete ggplot for an irradiation calibration...
color_chartCreate a color checker chart
counts_labelRaw-counts axis labels
cps_labelCounts-per-second axis labels
cps_plotCreate a complete ggplot for detector-counts per second...
decode_annotationsMerge user supplied annotations with default ones
decorationAdd decorations to spectrum plot (private)
duration2characterConvert lubridate duration objects to a string if possible
e_plotCreate a complete ggplot for light-source spectra.
e_rsp_plotCreate a complete ggplot for response spectra.
exponent2prefixSI unit prefixes
find_idfactorFind 'idfactor'
generic_plotCreate a complete ggplot for generic spectral data.
geom_spctSpectral data plots.
gg2spectra-ggproto'Stat*' Objects
ggplotCreate a new ggplot plot from spectral data.
ggspectra-packageggspectra: Extensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation Spectra
multipliers_labelCalibration multipliers axis labels
multiplotMultiple plot function
O_plotCreate a complete ggplot for a object spectrum.
plotDeprecated plot methods
q_plotCreate a complete ggplot for light-source spectra.
q_rsp_plotCreate a complete ggplot for response spectra.
raw_plotCreate a complete ggplot for raw detector-counts spectra.
Rfr_labelReflectance axis labels
R_plotCreate a complete ggplot for a reflector spectrum.
scale_x_energy_eV_continuousEnergy per photon x-scale
scale_x_frequency_continuousFrequency x-scale
scale_x_wavenumber_continuousWavenumber x-scale
scale_x_wl_continuousWavelength x-scale
scale_y_A_continuousAbsorbance y-scale
scale_y_Afr_continuousAbsorptance y-scale
scale_y_counts_continuousRaw-counts y-scale
scale_y_cps_continuousCounts-per-second y-scale
scale_y_multipliers_continuousCalibration multipliers y-scale
scale_y_Rfr_continuousReflectance y-scale
scale_y_s.e.irrad_continuousSpectral irradiance y-scale
scale_y_s.e.response_continuousSpectral response and action y-scales
scale_y_Tfr_continuousTransmittance y-scale
sec_axis_w_numberSecondary axes for wavelengths
s.e.irrad_labelSpectral irradiance axis labels
s.e.response_labelspectral response and action axis labels
set_annotations_defaultSet defaults for autoplot annotations
SI_pl_formatFormatter for plain labels discounting for SI multipliers
SI_tg_formatFormatter for tagged labels using SI multipliers
stat_colorCalculate colours from wavelength.
stat_find_qtysFind quantity value for target wavelength value.
stat_find_wlsFind wavelength for target quantity value.
stat_label_peaksLabel peaks and valleys.
stat_peaksFind peaks and valleys.
stat_spikesFind spikes
stat_wb_boxDraw colour boxes for wavebands
stat_wb_columnIntegrate ranges under curve.
stat_wb_contributionIntegrate ranges under spectral curve.
stat_wb_hbarIntegrate ranges under curve.
stat_wb_irradIntegrate irradiance for wavebands.
stat_wb_labelLabel ranges under spectral curve.
stat_wb_meanIntegrate ranges under curve.
stat_wb_relativeIntegrate ranges under spectral curve.
stat_wb_sirradIntegrate spectral irradiance for wavebands.
stat_wb_totalIntegrate ranges under spectral curve.
stat_wl_stripCalculate colours from wavelength.
stat_wl_summaryAverage area under curve for regions.
subtitle_spct.generic_spctBuild a plot subtitle from object metadata (deprecated!)
Tfr_labelTransmittance axis labels
title_spctBuild a plot title from object metadata (deprecated!)
T_plotCreate a complete ggplot for a filter spectrum.
validate_idfactorValidate idfactor
w_length_labelWave- axis labels
w_numberDeprecated functions
ggspectra documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 1:07 a.m.