
#rd_theme_elements = function(){
#  "@param tern.axis.arrow ternary arrows (`element_line`; inherits from `line`)"

#' Modify components of a theme (ggtern version)
#' Use `theme()` to modify individual components of a theme, allowing
#' you to control the appearance of all non-data components of the plot.
#' `theme()` only affects a single plot: see [theme_update()] if
#' you want modify the active theme, to affect all subsequent plots.
#' @section Theme inheritance:
#' Theme elements inherit properties from other theme elements.
#' For example, `axis.title.x` inherits from `axis.title`,
#' which in turn inherits from `text`. All text elements inherit
#' directly or indirectly from `text`; all lines inherit from
#' `line`, and all rectangular objects inherit from `rect`.
#' This means that you can modify the appearance of multiple elements by
#' setting a single high-level component.
#' @title Modify components of a theme
#' @name theme
#' @description Custom theme elements for ggtern
#' @seealso \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}}
#' @param tern.axis.arrow Base Arrow Line (`element_line`; inherits from `axis.line`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.T Arrow Line for TOP Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.arrow`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.L Arrow Line for LHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.arrow`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.R Arrow Line for RHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.arrow`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.text Base Arrow Label (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.text`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.text.T Arrow Label on TOP Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.arrow.text`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.text.L Arrow Label on LHS Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.arrow.text`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.text.R Arrow Label on RHS Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.arrow.text`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.start Proportion of Axis when Arrow Starts (`numeric`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.finish Proportion of Axis when Arrow Finishes (`numeric`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.sep Arrows Seperation from Axis (`numeric`)
#' @param tern.axis.arrow.show Arrows Show or Hide (`logical`)
#' @param tern.axis.clockwise Clockwise or Anticlockwise Precession (`logical`)
#' @param tern.axis.vshift Amount to nudge the plot vertically (`numeric`)
#' @param tern.axis.hshift Amount to nudge the plot horizontally (`numeric`)
#' @param tern.axis.line.ontop Bring Axis Borders on Top of Everything (Depreciated) (`logical`)
#' @param tern.axis.line Base Line (`element_line`; inherits from `axis.line`)
#' @param tern.axis.line.T Line for TOP Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.line`)
#' @param tern.axis.line.L Line for LHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.line`)
#' @param tern.axis.line.R Line for RHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.line`)
#' @param tern.axis.text Base Text (`element_text`; inherits from `axis.text`)
#' @param tern.axis.text.T Text for TOP Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.text`)
#' @param tern.axis.text.L Text for LHS Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.text`)
#' @param tern.axis.text.R Text for RHS Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.text`)
#' @param tern.axis.text.show Axis Labels Show or Hide (`logical`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks Base Ticks (`element_line`; inherits from `axis.ticks`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.length.major Ticks Major Ticklength (`unit`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.length.minor Ticks Minor Ticklength (`unit`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.major Base Major Ticks (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.ticks`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.major.T Base Major Ticks for TOP Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.ticks.major`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.major.L Base Major Ticks for LHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.ticks.major`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.major.R Base Major Ticks for RHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.ticks.major`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.minor Base Minor Ticks (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.ticks`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.minor.T Base Minor Ticks for TOP Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.ticks.minor`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.minor.L Base Minor Ticks for LHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.ticks.minor`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.minor.R Base Minor Ticks for RHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.axis.ticks.minor`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.outside Ticks Outside or Inside (`logical`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.primary.show Ticks Show Primary (`logical`)
#' @param tern.axis.ticks.secondary.show Ticks Show Secondary (`logical`)
#' @param tern.axis.title Base Apex Title (`element_text`; inherits from `axis.title`)
#' @param tern.axis.title.T Apex Title for TOP Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.title`)
#' @param tern.axis.title.L Apex Title for LHS Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.title`)
#' @param tern.axis.title.R Apex Title for RHS Axis (`element_text`; inherits from `tern.axis.title`)
#' @param tern.axis.title.show Apex Titles Show or Hide (`logical`)
# @param tern.panel.background Background of Ternary Plot Area** (`element_rect`; inherits from `panel.background`)
#' @param tern.panel.expand The amount to expand the ternary plotting panel, in ratio to npc units (`numeric`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.major Base Major Gridline (`element_line`; inherits from `panel.grid.major`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.major.T Major Gridline for TOP Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.panel.grid.major`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.major.L Major Gridline for LHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.panel.grid.major`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.major.R Major Gridline for RHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.panel.grid.major`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.major.show Show or Hide Major Gridline (`logical`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.minor Base Minor Gridline (`element_line`; inherits from `panel.grid.minor`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.minor.T Minor Gridline for TOP Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.panel.grid.minor`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.minor.L Minor Gridline for LHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.panel.grid.minor`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.minor.R Minor Gridline for RHS Axis (`element_line`; inherits from `tern.panel.grid.minor`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.minor.show Show or Hide Minor Gridline (`logical`)
#' @param tern.panel.grid.ontop Bring grids, axis and axis labels on top of everything else (`logical`)
#' @param tern.panel.mask.show Show or Hide the Clipping Mask (`logical`)
#' @param tern.panel.rotate The amount to rotate the ternary diagram in degrees (`numeric`)
#' @param tern.plot.background Background of Ternary Clipping Area** (`element_rect`; inherits from `plot.background`)
#' @param tern.plot.latex Whether to parse characters as latex commands (`logical`)
#' @author Nicholas Hamilton
#' @rdname theme
#theme <- function(
#  line,
#  rect,
#  text,
#  title,
#  aspect.ratio,
#  axis.title,
#  axis.title.x,
#  axis.title.x.top,
#  #axis.title.x.bottom,
#  axis.title.y,
#  #axis.title.y.left,
#  axis.title.y.right,
#  axis.text,
#  axis.text.x,
#  axis.text.x.top,
#  #axis.text.x.bottom,
#  axis.text.y,
#   #axis.text.y.left,
#   axis.text.y.right,
#   axis.ticks,
#   axis.ticks.x,
#   #axis.ticks.x.top,
#   #axis.ticks.x.bottom,
#   axis.ticks.y,
#   #axis.ticks.y.left,
#   #axis.ticks.y.right,
#   axis.ticks.length,
#   axis.line,
#   axis.line.x,
#   #axis.line.x.top,
#   #axis.line.x.bottom,
#   axis.line.y,
#   #axis.line.y.left,
#   #axis.line.y.right,
#   legend.background,
#   legend.margin,
#   legend.spacing,
#   legend.spacing.x,
#   legend.spacing.y,
#   legend.key,
#   legend.key.size,
#   legend.key.height,
#   legend.key.width,
#   legend.text,
#   legend.text.align,
#   legend.title,
#   legend.title.align,
#   legend.position,
#   legend.direction,
#   legend.justification,
#   legend.box,
#   legend.box.just,
#   legend.box.margin,
#   legend.box.background,
#   legend.box.spacing,
#   panel.background,
#   panel.border,
#   panel.spacing,
#   panel.spacing.x,
#   panel.spacing.y,
#   panel.grid,
#   panel.grid.major,
#   panel.grid.minor,
#   panel.grid.major.x,
#   panel.grid.major.y,
#   panel.grid.minor.x,
#   panel.grid.minor.y,
#   panel.ontop,
#   plot.background,
#   plot.title,
#   plot.subtitle,
#   plot.caption,
#   plot.margin,
#   strip.background,
#   strip.placement,
#   strip.text,
#   strip.text.x,
#   strip.text.y,
#   strip.switch.pad.grid,
#   strip.switch.pad.wrap,
#   ##Ternary Specific
#   #tern.axis.arrow,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.T,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.L,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.R,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.text,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.text.T,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.text.L,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.text.R,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.start,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.finish,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.sep,
#   #tern.axis.arrow.show,
#   #tern.axis.clockwise,
#   #tern.axis.vshift,
#   #tern.axis.hshift,
#   #tern.axis.line.ontop,
#   #tern.axis.line,
#   #tern.axis.line.T,
#   #tern.axis.line.L,
#   #tern.axis.line.R,
#   #tern.axis.text,
#   #tern.axis.text.T,
#   #tern.axis.text.L,
#   #tern.axis.text.R,
#   #tern.axis.text.show,
#   #tern.axis.ticks,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.length.major,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.length.minor,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.major,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.major.T,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.major.L,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.major.R,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.minor,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.minor.T,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.minor.L,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.minor.R,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.outside,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.primary.show,
#   #tern.axis.ticks.secondary.show,
#   #tern.axis.title,
#   #tern.axis.title.T,
#   #tern.axis.title.L,
#   #tern.axis.title.R,
#   #tern.axis.title.show,
#   #tern.panel.background,
#   #tern.panel.expand,
#   #tern.panel.grid.major,
#   #tern.panel.grid.major.T,                
#   #tern.panel.grid.major.L,
#   #tern.panel.grid.major.R,
#   #tern.panel.grid.major.show,
#   #tern.panel.grid.minor,
#   #tern.panel.grid.minor.T,                
#   #tern.panel.grid.minor.L,
#   #tern.panel.grid.minor.R,
#   #tern.panel.grid.minor.show,
#   #tern.panel.grid.ontop,
#   #tern.panel.mask.show,
#   #tern.panel.rotate,
#   #tern.plot.background,
#   # tern.plot.latex,
#   ..., 
#   complete = FALSE, validate = TRUE) {
#   elements <- ggint$find_args(..., complete = NULL, validate = NULL)
#   if (!is.null(elements$axis.ticks.margin)) {
#     warning("`axis.ticks.margin` is deprecated. Please set `margin` property ",
#             " of `axis.text` instead", call. = FALSE)
#     elements$axis.ticks.margin <- NULL
#   }
#   if (!is.null(elements$panel.margin)) {
#     warning("`panel.margin` is deprecated. Please use `panel.spacing` property ",
#             "instead", call. = FALSE)
#     elements$panel.spacing <- elements$panel.margin
#     elements$panel.margin <- NULL
#   }
#   if (!is.null(elements$panel.margin.x)) {
#     warning("`panel.margin.x` is deprecated. Please use `panel.spacing.x` property ",
#             "instead", call. = FALSE)
#     elements$panel.spacing.x <- elements$panel.margin.x
#     elements$panel.margin.x <- NULL
#   }
#   if (!is.null(elements$panel.margin.y)) {
#     warning("`panel.margin` is deprecated. Please use `panel.spacing` property ",
#             "instead", call. = FALSE)
#     elements$panel.spacing.y <- elements$panel.margin.y
#     elements$panel.margin.y <- NULL
#   }
#   if (is.unit(elements$legend.margin) && !ggint$is.margin(elements$legend.margin)) {
#     warning("`legend.margin` must be specified using `margin()`. For the old ",
#             "behavior use legend.spacing", call. = FALSE)
#     elements$legend.spacing <- elements$legend.margin
#     elements$legend.margin <- margin()
#   }
#   # Check that all elements have the correct class (element_text, unit, etc)
#   if (validate) {
#     mapply(validate_element, elements, names(elements))
#   }
#   structure(elements, 
#             class    = c("theme", "gg"),
#             complete = complete, 
#             validate = validate)
# }

# \code{plot_theme} is a local copy of the method that determines the net theme between a plot and the current global theme.
# @param x gg object
# @rdname overloaded
# plot_theme <- function(x) {defaults(x$theme, theme_get())}

# \code{add_theme} is a local copy of the ggplot2 function which modifies the current theme, by a proposed theme. 
# It is slightly modified to handle 'logical' values the same way it handles 'character' or 'numeric' values, 
# which do not inherit from 'element' objects.
# @inheritParams ggplot2::add_theme
# @seealso \code{\link[ggplot2]{add_theme}}
# @rdname overloaded
#add_theme <- function(t1, t2, t2name) {
#  if (!is.theme(t2)) {
#    stop("Don't know how to add ", t2name, " to a theme object",
#         call. = FALSE)
#  }
#  # Iterate over the elements that are to be updated
#  for (item in names(t2)) {
#    x <- t1[[item]]
#    y <- t2[[item]]
#    if (is.null(x) || inherits(x, "element_blank")) {
#      # If x is NULL or element_blank, then just assign it y
#      x <- y
#   } else if (is.null(y) || is.character(y) || is.numeric(y) || is.logical(y) ||
#               inherits(y, "element_blank")) {
#      # If y is NULL, or a string or numeric vector, or is element_blank, just replace x
#      x <- y
#    } else {
#      # If x is not NULL, then copy over the non-NULL properties from y
#      # Get logical vector of non-NULL properties in y
#      idx <- !vapply(y, is.null, logical(1))
#      # Get the names of TRUE items
#      idx <- names(idx[idx])
#      # Update non-NULL items
#      x[idx] <- y[idx]
#    }
#    # Assign it back to t1
#    # This is like doing t1[[item]] <- x, except that it preserves NULLs.
#    # The other form will simply drop NULL values
#    t1[item] <- list(x)
#  }
#  # If either theme is complete, then the combined theme is complete
#  attr(t1, "complete") <- attr(t1, "complete") || attr(t2, "complete")
#  t1

# \code{"\%+replace\%"} is a local copy of the ggplot2 replace operator, no different other than being exported from the ggtern namespace.
# @rdname overloaded 
#"%+replace%" <- function(e1, e2) {
#  if (!is.theme(e1) || !is.theme(e2)) {
#    stop("%+replace% requires two theme objects", call. = FALSE)
#  }
#  # Can't use modifyList here since it works recursively and drops NULLs
#  e1[names(e2)] <- e2
#  e1

# \code{update_theme} is a local copy of a ggplot2 function, which copies elements from the new theme into an old theme.
# @param oldtheme previous theme object
# @param newtheme new theme object
# @rdname overloaded
#update_theme <- function(oldtheme, newtheme) {
#  if (attr(newtheme, "complete")) 
#    return(newtheme)
#  newitems <- !names(newtheme) %in% names(oldtheme)
#  newitem_names <- names(newtheme)[newitems]
#  oldtheme[newitem_names] <- theme_get()[newitem_names]
#  old.validate <- isTRUE(attr(oldtheme, "validate"))
#  new.validate <- isTRUE(attr(newtheme, "validate"))
#  oldtheme <- do.call(theme, c(oldtheme, complete = isTRUE(attr(oldtheme, 
#                                                                "complete")), validate = old.validate & new.validate))
#  oldtheme + newtheme

# \code{calc_element} is a local copy of the ggplot2 function which determines the net element based on inheritances, given input theme.
# @inheritParams ggplot2::calc_element
# @rdname overloaded
# @export
# calc_element <- function (element, theme, verbose = FALSE) {
#  if (verbose) 
#    message(element, " --> ", appendLF = FALSE)
#  if (inherits(theme[[element]], "element_blank")) {
#    if (verbose) 
#      message("element_blank (no inheritance)")
#    return(theme[[element]])
#  }
#  #.element_tree = ggint$.element_tree ##NH
#  if (!is.null(theme[[element]]) && !inherits(theme[[element]], 
#                                              ggint$.element_tree[[element]]$class)) {
#    stop(element, " should have class ", ggint$.element_tree[[element]]$class)
#  }
#  pnames <- ggint$.element_tree[[element]]$inherit ##NH
#  if (is.null(pnames)) {
#    nullprops <- vapply(theme[[element]], is.null, logical(1))
#    if (any(nullprops)) {
#      stop("Theme element '", element, "' has NULL property: ", 
#           paste(names(nullprops)[nullprops], collapse = ", "))
#    }
#    if (verbose) 
#      message("nothing (top level)")
#    return(theme[[element]])
#  }
#  if (verbose) 
#    message(paste(pnames, collapse = ", "))
#  parents <- lapply(pnames, calc_element, theme, verbose)
#  Reduce(ggint$combine_elements, parents, theme[[element]])

#' Overloaded ggplot2 functions
#' @description INTERNAL FUNCTIONS (Overloaded from ggplot2): The source of the following functions originate 
#' from ggplot2, however, minor patches were required in order for them to function under the ggtern framework. 
#' Patches were mainly to do with handling the new theme elements and heirarchies. 
#' @format functions and objects
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @name zzz-overloaded

# @description \code{validate_element} is a local copy of the ggplot2 function which checks the validity of a given theme element 
# against the elements table. Since the \code{.elements_tree} is an internal function, which is not exported, and modifications could not be made, 
# a new (and equivalent) \code{.element_tree} is created within ggtern to handle the new theme elements created within this package.
# @param el the element
# @param elname the element name
# @author Nicholas Hamilton
# @rdname overloaded
#validate_element <- function(el, elname) {
#  eldef <- ggint$.element_tree[[elname]]
#  if (is.null(eldef)) {
#    stop('"', elname, '" is not a valid theme element name.')
#  }
#  # NULL values for elements are OK
#  if (is.null(el)) return()
#  if (eldef$class == "character") {
#    # Need to be a bit looser here since sometimes it's a string like "top"
#    # but sometimes its a vector like c(0,0)
#    if (!is.character(el) && !is.numeric(el))
#      stop("Element ", elname, " must be a string or numeric vector.")
#  } else if (eldef$class == "margin") {
#    if (!is.unit(el) && length(el) == 4)
#      stop("Element ", elname, " must be a unit vector of length 4.")
#  } else if (!inherits(el, eldef$class) && !inherits(el, "element_blank")) {
#    stop("Element ", elname, " must be a ", eldef$class, " object.")
#  }
#  invisible()

# @rdname overloaded
# @inheritParams ggplot2::theme_update
# @seealso \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme_update}}
#theme_update <- function(...) {
#  # Make a call to theme, then add to theme
#  theme_set(theme_get() %+replace% do.call(theme, list(...)))

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