
Defines functions control_height view_plot is.dynamic runtime knit_print.ggvis view_dynamic view_static print.ggvis

Documented in is.dynamic knit_print.ggvis print.ggvis view_dynamic view_static

# There are five way to display a ggvis plot:
#   * static html file (static plot)
#     * print.ggvis -> view_static -> ggvisLayout -> ggvisElements
#     * Doesn't need shiny
#     * Needs embedded spec
#   * temporary shiny app (dynamic plot)
#     * print.ggvis -> view_dynamic -> ggvis_app -> ggvisLayout -> ggvisElements
#     * Needs shiny
#     * Doesn't need embedded spec
#   * static html embedded in Rmarkdown
#     * knit_print.ggvis -> ggvisElements
#     * Doesn't need shiny
#     * Needs embedded spec
#   * shiny app embedded in Rmarkdown
#     * knit_print.ggvis -> ggvis_app -> ggvisLayout -> ggvisElements
#     * Needs shiny
#     * Doesn't need embedded spec
#   * embedded in regular shiny app
#     * call ggvisOutput in ui.R
#     * Needs shiny
#     * Doesn't need embedded spec

#' View in a ggvis plot in the browser.
#' \code{view_static} creates a static web page in a temporary directory;
#' \code{view_dynamic} generate a dynamic shiny app and launches it.
#' \code{print} automatically picks between the two.
#' If \code{view_static} is used on a ggvis object that has dynamic components,
#' it will output a static plot.
#' @param x A ggvis object.
#' @param dynamic Uses \code{view_dynamic} if \code{TRUE}, \code{view_static} if
#'   \code{FALSE}. The default, \code{NA}, chooses automatically based on the
#'   presence of reactives or interactive inputs in \code{x}.
#' @param launch If \code{TRUE}, will launch plot in a viewer/browser. If
#'   \code{FALSE} returns an object that you can \code{print()} to launch.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed on to \code{view_dynamic} and
#'   \code{view_static} ?from \code{print}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @method print ggvis
#' @export
print.ggvis <- function(x, dynamic = NA, launch = interactive(), ...) {
  if (is.na(dynamic)) {
    dynamic <- is.dynamic(x) && interactive()

  if (dynamic) {
    out <- view_dynamic(x, ...)
  } else {
    out <- view_static(x, ...)

  if (launch) print(out)

#' @rdname print.ggvis
#' @export
#' @param plot_id Unique identifier used to identify the plot on the page.
#' @param dest Deprecated (this no longer works).
#' @examples
#' ## Run these examples only in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # In most cases view_static is unnecessary; these will do the same thing:
#' mtcars %>% ggvis(~wt, ~mpg)
#' mtcars %>% ggvis(~wt, ~mpg) %>% view_static()
#' # Can find the output file with view_static() and html_print()
#' outfile <- mtcars %>% ggvis(~wt, ~mpg) %>%
#'   view_static() %>% htmltools::html_print(viewer = NULL)
#' }
view_static <- function(x, plot_id = rand_id("plot_"), dest = NULL) {

  if (!missing(dest)) {
    deprecated("dest", msg = " Please see ?view_static for more information.")

  spec <- as.vega(x, dynamic = FALSE)
    ggvisLayout(plot_id, length(x$controls) > 0, spec, shiny = FALSE)

#' @rdname print.ggvis
#' @export
#' @param port the port on which to start the shiny app. If NULL (the default),
#'   Shiny will select a random port.
#' @param quiet If \code{TRUE} show status messages from Shiny. (Default is
#'   \code{FALSE}.)
view_dynamic <- function(x, plot_id = rand_id("plot_"), port = NULL,
                         quiet = FALSE) {

    plot_id = plot_id,
    port = port,
    quiet = TRUE,
    launch.browser = function(url) {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("Showing dynamic visualisation. Press Escape/Ctrl + C to stop.")
      view_plot(url, 350 + control_height(x))

# Dynamically registered. See zzz.R.
#' Knit print method for ggvis plots.
#' @keywords internal
knit_print.ggvis <- function(x, options = list(), inline = FALSE, ...) {
  # Set height and width from knitr chunk options
  knitr_opts <- list(
    width = options$out.width.px,
    height = options$out.height.px
  x <- add_options(x, knitr_opts, replace = FALSE)

  # If this is a dynamic object, check to see if we're rendering in a Shiny R
  # Markdown document and have an appropriate version of Shiny; emit a Shiny
  # application if we are, and a warning if we aren't.
  if (is.dynamic(x)) {
    if (identical(runtime(), "shiny")) {
      # create the application object and allocate space for the controls
      app <- ggvis_app(x,
        width = knitr_opts$width,
        height = knitr_opts$height + control_height(x)

      "Can't output dynamic/interactive ggvis plots in a knitr document.\n",
      "Generating a static (non-dynamic, non-interactive) version of the plot.",
      call. = FALSE

  # If we got here, it's static
  spec <- as.vega(x, dynamic = FALSE)
  knitr::knit_print(ggvisOutputElements(spec = spec, shiny = FALSE))

# Helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------

runtime <- function() {

#' Determine if an ggvis is dynamic (i.e. needs to be run in a shiny app)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
is.dynamic <- function(x) {
  any_apply(x$data, shiny::is.reactive) || length(x$reactives) > 0

# View using either an internal viewer or fallback to utils::browseURL
view_plot <- function(url, height) {
  viewer <- getOption("viewer")
  if (!is.null(viewer)) {
    viewer(url, height)
  } else {

# given a ggvis object, return the number of pixels to reserve for its controls.
control_height <- function(x) {
  n_controls <- length(x$controls)

  # Request 70 vertical pixels for each pair of control items, since there are
  # two on a row.
  70 * ceiling(n_controls / 2)

Try the ggvis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ggvis documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:12 a.m.