
Defines functions repo_clone local_repo_clone

Documented in local_repo_clone repo_clone

#' @rdname local_repo
#' @param repo GitHub repo address with the form `owner/name`.
#' @param local_path Local directory to store cloned repos.
#' @aliases repo_clone
#' @export
local_repo_clone = function(repo, local_path=".", branch = NULL, mirror = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

  arg_is_chr(branch, allow_null=TRUE)
  arg_is_lgl_scalar(mirror, verbose)

  if (is.null(branch) || mirror) # If mirroring then branch should not be set
    branch = list(NULL)

  local_path = fs::path_expand(local_path)
  dir.create(local_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  res = purrr::map2(
    repo, branch,
    function(repo, branch) {
      dir = fs::path(local_path, get_repo_name(repo))
      url = glue::glue("https://github.com/{repo}.git")

      res = purrr::safely(gert::git_clone)(
        url = url, path = dir, branch = branch, mirror = mirror, verbose = verbose

      fmt_repo = format_repo(repo, branch)

        "Cloned {.val {fmt_repo}}.",
        "Failed to clone {.val {fmt_repo}}."

      # TODO - think about should this be NULL or NA
      ternary(succeeded(res), dir, NULL)

  dirs = purrr::flatten_chr(res)
  names(dirs) = repo


#' @export
repo_clone = function(repo, local_path="./", branch = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  local_repo_clone(repo=repo, local_path=local_path, branch=branch, verbose=verbose)

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