
Defines functions local_repo_rename

Documented in local_repo_rename

#' @title Rename local directories using a vector of patterns and replacements.
#' @description  This function is meant to help with renaming local student repos to include
#' something more useful like `Last, First name` or a unique identifier
#' for the purposes of ordering repository folders.
#' @param repo_dir Character. Vector of repo directories or a single directory containing one or more repos.
#' @param pattern Character. One or more regexp patterns to match to directory names.
#' @param replacement Character.  One or more text strings containing the replacement value for matched patterns.
#' @return Returns a character vector of the new repo directory paths, or `NA` if the rename
#' failed.
#' @export
local_repo_rename = function(repo_dir, pattern, replacement) {
  arg_is_chr(pattern, replacement)

  # If there isn't a regex group, add one for the whole pattern
  if (!any(grepl(pattern = "\\(.*\\)", x = pattern))) {
    pattern = paste0("(", pattern, ")")

  repos = repo_dir_helper(repo_dir)
  cur_repos = repos

  for(i in seq_along(pattern)) {
    repos = sub(pattern[i], replacement[i], repos)

  sub = repos != cur_repos
  res = purrr::map2_chr(
    cur_repos[sub], repos[sub],
    function(cur, new) {
      res = purrr::safely(fs::file_move)(cur, new)

      pattern = glue::glue(".*?({repo_dir})")

      cur = sub(pattern, replacement = "\\1", x = cur)
      new = sub(pattern, replacement = "\\1", x = new)

        "Renaming {.val {cur}} to {.val {new}}.",
        "Failed to rename {.val {cur}} to {.val {new}}."

      ifelse(succeeded(res), new, NA)


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