
Defines functions org_create_assignment

Documented in org_create_assignment

#' @title Create a team or individual assignment
#' @description
#' This is a higher level function that combines the following steps:
#' * Create repos
#' * Create teams and invite students if necessary
#' * Add teams or individuals to the repositories
#' * Mirror a template repository to assignment repositories
#' @param org Character. Name of the GitHub organization.
#' @param repo Character. Name of the repo(s) for the assignment.
#' @param user Character. GitHub username(s).
#' @param team Character. Team names, if not provided an individual assignment will be created.
#' @param source_repo Character. Address of the repository to use as a template for all created repos.
#' @param private Logical. Should the created repositories be private.
#' @param add_badges Logical. Should GitHub action badges be added to the README.
#' @return An invisible list containing the results of each step.
#' @export

org_create_assignment = function(org, repo, user, team = NULL, source_repo = NULL,
                                 private = TRUE, add_badges = FALSE) {

  arg_is_chr(repo, user)
  arg_is_chr(team, allow_null = TRUE)
  arg_is_chr_scalar(source_repo, allow_null = TRUE)

  repo_full = paste0(org, "/", repo)

  existing = repo_exists(repo_full)
  if (any(existing)) {
      "The following repo{?s} already exist{?s/}: {.val {repo_full[existing]}}. ",
      "Delete these repo{?s} or use an alternative method to create the assignment."

  res = list()

  if (!is.null(source_repo) && repo_is_template(source_repo)) {
    res[["mirror"]] = repo_mirror_template(source_repo, repo_full, private = private)
  } else {
    repo_create(org, repo, private = private)
    if (!is.null(source_repo)) {
        "Creating assignments from non-template repositories is deprecated, ",
        "and will be removed in a future version of this package.\n",
        "The repo {.val {source_repo}} can be made into a template repo using the {.fun repo_set_template} function."

      res[["mirror"]] = repo_mirror(source_repo, repo_full, overwrite = TRUE, warn = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(team)) {
    # Assume team assignment
    res[["team_create"]] = team_create(org, unique(team))
    res[["team_invite"]] = team_invite(org, user, team)
    res[["team_add"]] = repo_add_team(repo_full, team)
  } else {
    # Assume individual assignment
    res[["user_invite"]] = repo_add_user(repo_full, user)

  if (add_badges)
    res[["add_badge"]] = action_add_badge(repo_full)


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ghclass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:44 a.m.