ghyp-internal: Internal ghyp functions

ghyp-internalR Documentation

Internal ghyp functions


Internal ghyp functions. These functions are not to be called by the user.


.abar2chipsi(, lambda, eps = .Machine$double.eps)

.besselM3(lambda = 9/2, x = 2, logvalue = FALSE), case = c("uv", "mv"), na.rm = TRUE,
            fit = TRUE, dim = NULL), chi, psi), sigma, gamma, dimension), symmetric)

.fit.ghyp(object, llh = 0, n.iter = 0, converged = FALSE, error.code = 0,
          error.message = "", parameter.variance, fitted.params, aic,
 = list())

.ghyp.model(lambda, chi, psi, gamma)



.integrate.moment.gig(x, moment = 1, ...)

.integrate.moment.ghypuv(x, moment = 1, ...)

.dghypuv(x, lambda = 1, chi = 1, psi = 1, = NULL,
         mu = 1, sigma = 1, gamma = 0, logvalue = FALSE)

.dghypmv(x, lambda, chi, psi, mu, sigma, gamma, logvalue = FALSE)

.mle.default(data, pdf, vars, = rep(TRUE, length(vars)),
             transform = NULL, se = FALSE,
             na.rm = FALSE, silent = FALSE, ...)

.p.default(q, pdf, pdf.args, lower, upper, ...)

.q.default(p, pdf, pdf.args, interval, p.lower, ...)

.test.ghyp(object, case = c("ghyp", "univariate", "multivariate"))




.is.student.t(object, symmetric = NULL)

                  dist = c("ghyp", "hyp", "NIG", "VG", "t", "gauss"),
                  symmetric = FALSE)


Convert “” to “chi” and “psi” when using the “” parametrization.

Wrapper function for besselK.
This function checks data for consistency. Only data objects of typ data.frame, matrix or numeric are accepted.
Some combinations of the GIG parameters are not allowed. This function checks whether this is the case or not.
This function simply checks if the dimensions match.
When calling the fitting routines (fit.ghypuv and fit.ghypmv) a named vector containing the parameters which should not be fitted can be passed. By default all parameters will be fitted.

This function is called by the functions fit.ghypuv and fit.ghypmv to create objects of class mle.ghyp and mle.ghyp.

Check if the parameters denote a special case of the generalized hyperbolic distribution.

Transformation function used in fit.ghypuv for parameter nu belonging to the Student-t distribution.

The inverse of t.transfrom.

This function is used when computing the conditional expectation of a generalized inverse gaussian distribution.

This function is used when computing the conditional expectation of a univariate generalized hyperbolic distribution.

This function is used during the fitting procedure. Use dghyp to compute the density of generalized hyperbolic distribution objects.

This function is used during the fitting procedure. Use dghyp to compute the density of generalized hyperbolic distribution objects.

This function serves as a generic function for maximum likelihood estimation. It is for internal use only. See fit.ghypuv which wraps this function.

A generic distribution function integrator given a density function. See pghyp for a wrapper of this function.

A generic quantile function calculator given a density function. See qghyp for a wrapper of this function.

This function tests whether the object is of class ghyp and sometimes whether it is univariate or multivariate according to the argument case and states a corresponding error if not.

Tests whether the object is of a gaussian type.

Tests whether the object is symmetric.

Tests whether the object describes a Student-t distribution.

Tests whether the object is a univariate ghyp-distribution.

Returns a specific model from a list returned by stepAIC.ghyp


Wolfgang Breymann, David Luethi

ghyp documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:38 a.m.