
Defines functions ls_tree is_tree length.git_tree summary.git_tree print.git_tree tree as.list.git_tree as.data.frame.git_tree

Documented in as.data.frame.git_tree as.list.git_tree is_tree length.git_tree ls_tree summary.git_tree tree

## git2r, R bindings to the libgit2 library.
## Copyright (C) 2013-2019 The git2r contributors
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
## as published by the Free Software Foundation.
## git2r is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

##' Coerce entries in a git_tree to a \code{data.frame}
##' The entries in a tree are coerced to a \code{data.frame}
##' The \code{data.frame} have the following columns:
##' \describe{
##'   \item{filemode}{
##'     The UNIX file attributes of a tree entry
##'   }
##'   \item{type}{
##'     String representation of the tree entry type
##'   }
##'   \item{sha}{
##'     The sha of a tree entry
##'   }
##'   \item{name}{
##'     The filename of a tree entry
##'   }
##' }
##' @param x The tree \code{object}
##' @param ... Additional arguments. Not used.
##' @return \code{data.frame}
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Initialize a temporary repository
##' path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
##' dir.create(path)
##' dir.create(file.path(path, "subfolder"))
##' repo <- init(path)
##' ## Create a user
##' config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@@example.org")
##' ## Create three files and commit
##' writeLines("First file",  file.path(path, "example-1.txt"))
##' writeLines("Second file", file.path(path, "subfolder/example-2.txt"))
##' writeLines("Third file",  file.path(path, "example-3.txt"))
##' add(repo, c("example-1.txt", "subfolder/example-2.txt", "example-3.txt"))
##' commit(repo, "Commit message")
##' ## Display tree
##' tree(last_commit(repo))
##' ## Coerce tree to a data.frame
##' df <- as.data.frame(tree(last_commit(repo)))
##' df
##' }
as.data.frame.git_tree <- function(x, ...) {
    data.frame(mode = sprintf("%06o", x$filemode),
               type = x$type,
               sha  = x$id,
               name = x$name,
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

##' @export

##' Coerce entries in a git_tree to a list of entry objects
##' @param x The tree \code{object}
##' @param ... Unused
##' @return list of entry objects
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Initialize a temporary repository
##' path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
##' dir.create(path)
##' dir.create(file.path(path, "subfolder"))
##' repo <- init(path)
##' ## Create a user
##' config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@@example.org")
##' ## Create three files and commit
##' writeLines("First file",  file.path(path, "example-1.txt"))
##' writeLines("Second file", file.path(path, "subfolder/example-2.txt"))
##' writeLines("Third file",  file.path(path, "example-3.txt"))
##' add(repo, c("example-1.txt", "subfolder/example-2.txt", "example-3.txt"))
##' commit(repo, "Commit message")
##' ## Inspect size of each blob in tree
##' invisible(lapply(as(tree(last_commit(repo)), "list"),
##'   function(obj) {
##'     if (is_blob(obj))
##'       summary(obj)
##'     NULL
##'   }))
##' }
as.list.git_tree <- function(x, ...) {
    lapply(x$id, function(sha) lookup(x$repo, sha))

##' Tree
##' Get the tree pointed to by a commit or stash.
##' @param object the \code{commit} or \code{stash} object
##' @return A S3 class git_tree object
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Initialize a temporary repository
##' path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
##' dir.create(path)
##' repo <- init(path)
##' ## Create a first user and commit a file
##' config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@@example.org")
##' writeLines("Hello world!", file.path(path, "example.txt"))
##' add(repo, "example.txt")
##' commit(repo, "First commit message")
##' tree(last_commit(repo))
##' }
tree <- function(object = NULL) {
    .Call(git2r_commit_tree, object)

##' @export
print.git_tree <- function(x, ...) {
    cat(sprintf("tree: %s\n\n", x$sha))

##' Summary of tree
##' @param object The tree \code{object}
##' @param ... Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
##' @return None (invisible 'NULL').
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Initialize a temporary repository
##' path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
##' dir.create(path)
##' repo <- init(path)
##' ## Create a user and commit a file
##' config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@@example.org")
##' writeLines("Hello world!", file.path(path, "example.txt"))
##' add(repo, "example.txt")
##' commit(repo, "First commit message")
##' summary(tree(last_commit(repo)))
##' }
summary.git_tree <- function(object, ...) {

##' Extract object from tree
##' Lookup a tree entry by its position in the tree
##' @param x The tree \code{object}
##' @param i The index (integer or logical) of the tree object to
##' extract. If negative values, all elements except those indicated
##' are selected. A character vector to match against the names of
##' objects to extract.
##' @return Git object
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ##' Initialize a temporary repository
##' path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
##' dir.create(path)
##' dir.create(file.path(path, "subfolder"))
##' repo <- init(path)
##' ##' Create a user
##' config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@@example.org")
##' ##' Create three files and commit
##' writeLines("First file",  file.path(path, "example-1.txt"))
##' writeLines("Second file", file.path(path, "subfolder/example-2.txt"))
##' writeLines("Third file",  file.path(path, "example-3.txt"))
##' add(repo, c("example-1.txt", "subfolder/example-2.txt", "example-3.txt"))
##' new_commit <- commit(repo, "Commit message")
##' ##' Pick a tree in the repository
##' tree_object <- tree(new_commit)
##' ##' Display tree
##' tree_object
##' ##' Select item by name
##' tree_object["example-1.txt"]
##' ##' Select first item in tree
##' tree_object[1]
##' ##' Select first three items in tree
##' tree_object[1:3]
##' ##' Select all blobs in tree
##' tree_object[vapply(as(tree_object, 'list'), is_blob, logical(1))]
##' }
"[.git_tree" <- function(x, i) {
    if (is.logical(i))

    if (is.character(i))
        return(x[which(x$name %in% i)])

    if (!is.numeric(i))
        stop("Invalid index")

    i <- seq_len(length(x))[as.integer(i)]
    ret <- lapply(i, function(j) lookup(x$repo, x$id[j]))
    if (identical(length(ret), 1L))
        ret <- ret[[1]]

##' Number of entries in tree
##' @param x The tree \code{object}
##' @return a non-negative integer or double (which will be rounded
##' down)
##' @export
length.git_tree <- function(x) {

##' Check if object is S3 class git_tree
##' @param object Check if object is S3 class git_tree
##' @return TRUE if object is S3 class git_tree, else FALSE
##' @keywords methods
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Initialize a temporary repository
##' path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
##' dir.create(path)
##' repo <- init(path)
##' ## Create a user
##' config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@@example.org")
##' ## Commit a text file
##' writeLines("Hello world!", file.path(path, "example.txt"))
##' add(repo, "example.txt")
##' commit_1 <- commit(repo, "First commit message")
##' tree_1 <- tree(commit_1)
##' ## Check if tree
##' is_tree(commit_1)
##' is_tree(tree_1)
##' }
is_tree <- function(object) {
    inherits(object, "git_tree")

##' List the contents of a tree object
##' Traverse the entries in a tree and its subtrees.  Akin to the 'git
##' ls-tree' command.
##' @param tree default (\code{NULL}) is the tree of the last commit
##'     in \code{repo}. Can also be a \code{git_tree} object or a
##'     character that identifies a tree in the repository (see
##'     \sQuote{Examples}).
##' @param repo never used if \code{tree} is a \code{git_tree}
##'     object. A \code{git_repository} object, or a path (default =
##'     '.') to a repository.
##' @param recursive default is to recurse into sub-trees.
##' @return A data.frame with the following columns: \describe{
##'     \item{mode}{UNIX file attribute of the tree entry}
##'     \item{type}{type of object} \item{sha}{sha of the object}
##'     \item{path}{path relative to the root tree}
##'     \item{name}{filename of the tree entry} \item{len}{object size
##'     of blob (file) entries. NA for other objects.}  }
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Initialize a temporary repository
##' path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
##' dir.create(path)
##' dir.create(file.path(path, "subfolder"))
##' repo <- init(path)
##' ## Create a user
##' config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@@example.org")
##' ## Create three files and commit
##' writeLines("First file",  file.path(path, "example-1.txt"))
##' writeLines("Second file", file.path(path, "subfolder/example-2.txt"))
##' writeLines("Third file",  file.path(path, "example-3.txt"))
##' add(repo, c("example-1.txt", "subfolder/example-2.txt", "example-3.txt"))
##' commit(repo, "Commit message")
##' ## Traverse tree entries and its subtrees.
##' ## Various approaches that give identical result.
##' ls_tree(tree = tree(last_commit(path)))
##' ls_tree(tree = tree(last_commit(repo)))
##' ls_tree(repo = path)
##' ls_tree(repo = repo)
##' ## Skip content in subfolder
##' ls_tree(repo = repo, recursive = FALSE)
##' ## Start in subfolder
##' ls_tree(tree = "HEAD:subfolder", repo = repo)
##' }
ls_tree <- function(tree = NULL, repo = ".", recursive = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(tree)) {
        tree <- tree(last_commit(lookup_repository(repo)))
    } else if (is.character(tree)) {
        tree <- revparse_single(repo = lookup_repository(repo), revision = tree)
        if (!is_tree(tree))
            tree <- tree(tree)

    data.frame(.Call(git2r_tree_walk, tree, recursive),
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

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git2r documentation built on Nov. 26, 2023, 5:06 p.m.