gjamIIE: Indirect effects and interactions for gjam data

View source: R/gjamIIE.r

gjamIIER Documentation

Indirect effects and interactions for gjam data


Evaluates direct, indirect, and interactions from a gjam object. Returns a list of objects that can be plotted by gjamIIEplot.


  gjamIIE(output, xvector, MEAN = T, keepNames = NULL, omitY = NULL, 
          sdScaleX = T, sdScaleY = F)



object of class inheriting from "gjam".


vector of predictor values, with names, corresponding to columns in output$x.


logical, if false, then median used.


character vector of columns in output$y to omit from calculations.


character vector of columns in output$y. If omitted, all columns used.


standardize coefficients to X scale.


standardize coefficients to correlation scale.


For plotting or recovering effects. The list fit$IIE has matrices for main effects (mainEffect), interactions (intEffect), direct effects (dirEffect), indirect effects (indEffectTo), and standard deviations for each. The direct effects are the sum of main effects and interactions. The indirect effects include main effects and interactions that come through other species, determined by covariance matrix sigma.

If sdScaleX = T effects are standandardized from the Y/X to Y scale. This is the typical standardization for predictor variables. If sdScaleY = T effects are given on the correlation scale. If both are true effects are dimensionless. See the gjam vignette on dimension reduction.


A list of objects for plotting by gjamIIEplot.


James S Clark, jimclark@duke.edu


Clark, J.S., D. Nemergut, B. Seyednasrollah, P. Turner, and S. Zhang. 2016. Generalized joint attribute modeling for biodiversity analysis: Median-zero, multivariate, multifarious data. Ecological Monographs 87, 34-56.

See Also

gjamIIEplot plots output from gjamIIE

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


web site 'http://sites.nicholas.duke.edu/clarklab/code/'.


## Not run: 
sim <- gjamSimData(S = 12, Q = 5, typeNames = 'CA')
ml  <- list(ng = 50, burnin = 5, typeNames = sim$typeNames)
out <- gjam(sim$formula, sim$xdata, sim$ydata, modelList = ml)

xvector <- colMeans(out$inputs$xStand)  #predict at mean values for data
xvector[1] <- 1

fit <- gjamIIE(output = out, xvector)

gjamIIEplot(fit, response = 'S1', effectMu = c('main','ind'), 
            effectSd = c('main','ind'), legLoc = 'topleft')

## End(Not run)

gjam documentation built on May 24, 2022, 1:06 a.m.