Man pages for gmp
Multiple Precision Arithmetic

add.bigintegerBasic Arithmetic Operators for Large Integers ("bigz")
applyApply Functions Over Matrix Margins (Rows or Columns)
asNumericCoerce to 'numeric', not Loosing Dimensions
base-copiesBase Functions in 'gmp'-ified Versions
BernoulliQExact Bernoulli Numbers
bigintegerLarge Sized Integer Values
biginteger.randGenerate a random number
bigrationalLarge sized rationals
binomQExact Rational Binomial Probabilities
comp.bigintegerRelational Operators
comp.bigqRelational Operators
cumsum(Cumulative) Sums, Products of Large Integers and Rationals
extractExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
extremeExtrema (Maxima and Minima)
factorFactorize a number
factorialZFactorial and Binomial Coefficient as Big Integer
fibonacciCompute Fibonacci and Lucas numbers
formatNFormat Numbers Keeping Classes Distinguishable
frexpZSplit Number into Fractional and Exponent of 2 Parts
gcdGreatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM)
gcdexCompute Bezoult Coefficient
isprimeDetermine if number is (very probably) prime
is.wholeWhole ("Integer") Numbers
matrixMatrix manipulation with gmp
modulusModulus of a Big Integer
mpfrExported function for mpfr use
nextprimeNext Prime Number
OakleyRFC 2409 Oakley Groups - Parameters for Diffie-Hellman Key...
operators_bigqBasic arithmetic operators for large rationals
powmExponentiation function
roundQRounding Big Rationals ("bigq") to Decimals
sizeinbaseCompute size of a bigz in a base
solveSolve a system of equation
StirlingEulerian and Stirling Numbers of First and Second Kind
utilsGMP Number Utilities
gmp documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7 p.m.