
Defines functions download_distribute

Documented in download_distribute

#' Download and unpack compressed data from repositories
#' Downloads a list of tgz files from a list of repos and unpacks them
#' @md
#' @param files a vector of files containing input data, if a file is no .tgz it will be downloaded and not unpacked
#' @param repositories a list of repositories (please pay attention to the list format!) in which the files
#' should be searched for. Files will be searched in all repositories until found, always starting with the
#' first repository in the list. The argument must have the format of a named list with the url of the repository
#' as name and a corresponding list of options such as username or password to access the repository as value. If
#' no options are required the value has to be NULL. (e.g.
#' list("ftp://my_pw_protected_server.de/data"=list(user="me",password=12345), "http://free_server.de/dat"=NULL))
#' @param modelfolder main model folder
#' @param additionalDelete information which additional data should be deleted before new data are downloaded and distributed
#' @param debug switch for debug mode with additional diagnostic information
#' @param stopOnMissing Boolean passed along to [download_unpack()] to stop if
#'   any file in `files` could not be downloaded.  Off (`FALSE`) by default.
#' @return Information about the download process in form of a data.frame with data sets as row names and repositories
#' (where it was downloaded from) and corresponding md5sum as columns
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich, Lavinia Baumstark
#' @export

download_distribute <- function(files,
                                repositories = list("/p/projects/rd3mod/inputdata/output" = NULL),
                                modelfolder = ".",
                                additionalDelete = NULL,
                                debug = FALSE,
                                stopOnMissing = FALSE) {

  # set working directory to modelfolder
  cdir <- getwd()

  # CLEAN UP -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # delete old input files to avoid mixed inputs in the case that data
  # download fails at some point

  # directories to distribute input files to
  file2destination <- getfiledestinations()

  # delete files which will be copied/moved later on with copy_input
  if (!is.null(file2destination)) {
    message("Delete old data in input folders ... ")

  # delete additional files not treated by copy_input
  if (!is.null(additionalDelete)) {
    message("Delete additional data ... ")

  if (is.null(file2destination)) {
    message("No 'files' file found. Input files won't be distributed.")

  # DATA DOWNLOAD --------------------------------------------------------------

  # load data from source and unpack it
  filemap <- download_unpack(input = files, targetdir = "input",
                             repositories = repositories, debug = debug,
                             stopOnMissing = stopOnMissing)

  # COPY MAGPIE INPUT FILES ----------------------------------------------------

  # In the following input files in MAgPIE format are converted (if required) to
  # csX files and copied into the corresponding input folders. In this step also
  # the resolution information in the file name (if existing) is removed to
  # allow a resolution-indepedent gams-sourcecode.

  if (!is.null(file2destination)) {

    low_res  <- get_info("input/info.txt","^\\* Output ?resolution:",": ")

    # make an educated guess about what the current low res is
    if (is.null(low_res)) {
      guessLowRes <- function(folder) {
        suf <- sub("^.*_(.*)\\..*$", "\\1", dir(folder))
        # remove high res suffix
        suf <- suf[!(suf == "0.5")]
        if (length(suf) == 0) {
          warning("Low Res suffix not properly detected, set low res suffix to NULL")
        } else if (length(suf) > 1) {
           # remove suffixes which only happen to appear once
           suf <- suf[duplicated(suf)]
           if (length(suf) == 0) {
             warning("Low Res suffix not properly detected, set low res suffix to NULL")
           } else if (length(suf) > 1) {
             tmp <- table(suf)
             suf <- names(tmp)[order(tmp, decreasing = TRUE)][1]
        message("Low resolution suffix automatic determined as \"", suf, "\"")
      low_res <- guessLowRes("input/")

    # distribute input files according to the 'files' files
    copy_input(x = file2destination,
               sourcepath = "input",
               suffix = low_res,
               move = !debug)


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gms documentation built on June 29, 2024, 9:07 a.m.