
test_that("interfaces properly detected and plotted", {
  expectedResult <- list(core = c(out = "pm_global"),
                         fancymodule = c(`in` = "pm_global",
                                         out = "vm_exchange"),
                         crazymodule = c(`in` = "vm_exchange"))
    cc <- codeCheck(system.file("dummymodel", package = "gms"))
  }, "All codeCheck tests passed!")
  expect_identical(cc, expectedResult)

test_that("return value of codeCheck in debug mode is correct", {
  expectedResult <- c("interfaceInfo", "ap", "gams", "gams_backup", "sap", "esap", "modulesInfo")

  cc <- codeCheck(system.file("dummymodel", package = "gms"), returnDebug = TRUE)
  expect_identical(names(cc), expectedResult)

test_that(".checkAppearanceUsage produces warnings", {

  apType <- c(var1 = "", var2 = "")

  apAppearance <- structure(c(TRUE, TRUE,  FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), .Dim = c(2L, 3L),
                            .Dimnames = list(c("var1",

  ap <- list(type = apType,
            appearance = apAppearance)

  modulesInfo <- structure(c("mod", "10",
                            "10_mod", "one,two"),
                          .Dim = c(1L, 4L),
                          .Dimnames = list(c("mod"),
                                           c("name", "number", "folder", "realizations")))

  expectedOutput <- list(`var1 appears in "core", "mod" but its name suggests that it is core only!` = NULL,
                         `var2 appears in "core", "mod" but its name suggests that it is core only!` = NULL)

  expect_warning(.checkAppearanceUsage(ap, modulesInfo, w = NULL))
  expect_equal(suppressWarnings(.checkAppearanceUsage(ap, modulesInfo, w = NULL)),

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gms documentation built on June 29, 2024, 9:07 a.m.